View Full Version : aquired long qt

24-04-16, 16:54
i have recently had my meds changed
and the idiot in me thought itd be a good idea to google every single thing about it and im now PETRIFIED
I know some ssri's can prolong the qt on ecg
this isnt an ssri ( dont want to name incase someone else on it and i start anxiety in them )
a few people on here under medications tried to reasure me they cant find anything full proof stating it does prolong the qt

iv been taking it 5 days and im DESPERATE for an ecg i walk around waiting to drop dead from sudden cardiac arrest
im also experiencing what i presume is withdrawall from duloxitine which is what i was on before they put me straight on this one
like whole body shocks zaps in head neck and chest dizziness breathless
i cant relax at all constantly checking my pulse
does anyone know anything about aquired long qt iv read its most common in females too which has only made it 100 times worse
my ecg before starting the med was completly normal normal qt

24-04-16, 21:46
AS mentioned on the other QT post. There have been very small number of people affected who were taking a very high dose of anxiety medication or who were combining the drug with another drug.

The low dose usually taken is not linked to a QT problem.

Your symptoms sound like pure anxiety to me.

Don't google!

25-04-16, 05:00
Brain zaps are likely from the Duloxetine withdrawal but hopefully soon the Mirt will kick in and sort this out.

That source by hanshan & I used for you is a medical professionals database that takes it's data from a host of large medical drug databases, has feed in from certain expert associations and even has connection to the US FDA. If long QT isn't mentioned on that database, I don't believe it's even known about.

What I suggest you do is link that study you found on the other thread for hanshan & I to look at. I'm sure he won't mind and I certainly don't.

If an accepted medical study has found a link to this, it would have been fed back into these medical sources that Drugs.com takes it's information from. These databases have actual medical professionals involved in their updates to ensure they are accurate. Not all studies are peer reviewed and deemed valid. However, that won't stop them appearing on the internet for people to get scared by them.

25-04-16, 07:03
It doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about, though I know that's easier said than done when anxiety is at full throttle!

Sounds like you are having some withdrawal effects from the SSRI and these should settle after a while. I had the brain zaps really bad as well as constant dizziness/vertigo every time I moved my head. Just had to remind myself that's all it was and eventually they stopped (about 3-4 weeks).

The new med should lessen this a bit as it does affect serotonin as well. You need to be patient (agony I know!) and see how things work.

I've had a lot of worries about my heart on and off the past few months and it's such a waste of energy when you know deep down everything is ok.

Do your best to distract from thinking about it and DO NOT Google!

25-04-16, 19:32
thank you for your replies iv literally been so bad today had to take myself away from anything technical had cbt which didnt help me at all:(
iv got a exercise ecg tomorrow and im terrified!
im back to being convinced i have a dvt as well as a heart condition dont know how much more i can take
i will try and find the study that stated about this particular anti d
zaps not helping feels like my heart :(