View Full Version : Face Muscle Pulling And Lump Under Jaw Swollen And Other Worries

24-04-16, 21:37
For the last few days my muscle in my jaw/face feels like it is a knot but I cannot feel a knot. It feels like its pulling when I talk or when just moving my face. I have tmj and wonder if this could cause this as it on that side my facial fat has dropped down because of age I guess but its really bothering me, I feel as though it might be a stroke coming on or something. They only reason I haven't totally freaked out is that my wife said she gets this sometimes too.

Also I have had a knot under my right jaw in front of the neck muscle that is nestled in between the two and most time is hard to feel but for some reason seems swollen in the last few days and hurts. I have had this knot for over a year and went to the ent when it was really swollen and the bottom of jaw was swollen and that side of my face and jaw was swollen. The doctor gave me antibiotics that took down most of the swelling but the knot never went completely down. The ent said that he didn't see anything sinister when the swelling was going on and he pushed on the knot and ask me if that was it and I said eek yes .. it hurt when he did that.

My doctor had done blood work and said there was no cancer but then the knot that I am referring to never went down all the way . Although it is even swollen right now its not really that big. It feels like the size of a lima bean and my wife says its always been about that size and seems to go down sometimes but I wonder if this is because it is tucked right between the muscle and the jaw?

I am so scared its a tumor or something bad and worried since it hurts. The doctor said it was probably because of sore throat and bad dental health and sinus issues. I never asked him about it again. I haven' t had blood work in over a year . If this was cancer could it not have been detected on the first time and maybe has growing or something since I had blood work or the ent checked it? Could they have missed it?

Also my stomach seems to be on the blink and its hard to pass gas. I have never had this issue before. I do pass gas but it seems to be a strain doing so . I wonder if this could be some kind of blockage or I just haven't eaten enough foods lately to give me a huge amount of gas.

This is all weird and new to me and I am so worried. I never had gas passing issues before also Its cold here in this place where I am but I am sweating. This makes no sense what so ever. I am not sure this is anxiety or something else. I take my coat off and keep the door close but I still sweat.
I am not suppose to have any heart issues or nothing so I don't know if this is anxiety related or just one of those Old Age things.

I am really worried about that thing in my jaw , it pulls and kind of feels just really dead inside it but I touch my cheek and I can feel my touch and move my cheek but its a feeling I can't really describe. I just wonder if the cheek pulling thing is anxiety or tmj or just tmj? If anyone can offer any insights to what is happening to me please respond? Thank you in advance for your time.

PS , I have tried to search for all these issues here and cannot find anything about any of them.

24-04-16, 21:55
[QUOTE=mnaha;1547446]For the last few days my muscle in my jaw/face feels like it is a knot but I cannot feel a knot. It feels like its pulling when I talk or when just moving my face. I have tmj and wonder if this could cause this as it on that side my facial fat has dropped down because of age I guess but its really bothering me, I feel as though it might be a stroke coming on or something. They only reason I haven't totally freaked out is that my wife said she gets this sometimes too.

Also I have had a knot under my right jaw in front of the neck muscle that is nestled in between the two and most time is hard to feel but for some reason seems swollen in the last few days and hurts. I have had this knot for over a year and went to the ent when it was really swollen and the bottom of jaw was swollen and that side of my face and jaw was swollen. The doctor gave me antibiotics that took down most of the swelling but the knot never went completely down. The ent said that he didn't see anything sinister when the swelling was going on and he pushed on the knot and ask me if that was it and I said eek yes .. it hurt when he did that.

My doctor had done blood work and said there was no cancer but then the knot that I am referring to never went down all the way . Although it is even swollen right now its not really that big. It feels like the size of a lima bean and my wife says its always been about that size and seems to go down sometimes but I wonder if this is because it is tucked right between the muscle and the jaw?

I am so scared its a tumor or something bad and worried since it hurts. The doctor said it was probably because of sore throat and bad dental health and sinus issues. I never asked him about it again. I haven' t had blood work in over a year . If this was cancer could it not have been detected on the first time and maybe has growing or something since I had blood work or the ent checked it? Could they have missed it?

Also my stomach seems to be on the blink and its hard to pass gas. I have never had this issue before. I do pass gas but it seems to be a strain doing so . I wonder if this could be some kind of blockage or I just haven't eaten enough foods lately to give me a huge amount of gas.

This is all weird and new to me and I am so worried. I never had gas passing issues before also Its cold here in this place where I am but I am sweating. This makes no sense what so ever. I am not sure this is anxiety or something else. I take my coat off and keep the door close but I still sweat.
I am not suppose to have any heart issues or nothing so I don't know if this is anxiety related or just one of those Old Age things.

I am really worried about that thing in my jaw , it pulls and kind of feels just really dead inside it but I touch my cheek and I can feel my touch and move my cheek but its a feeling I can't really describe. I just wonder if the cheek pulling thing is anxiety or tmj or just tmj? If anyone can offer any insights to what is happening to me please respond? Thank you in advance for your time.

PS , I have tried to search for all these issues here and cannot find anything about any of them.


The area with the red circle shows the location of the knot.

25-04-16, 09:33
Hi, I have replied on your other thread as well as Terry and Daly. :)