View Full Version : Can't keep doing this anymore

25-04-16, 01:53
I'm really struggling. I am so tired of feeling like this. Yes there are so many physical symptoms, like pressure in my head, feeling dizzy, tired, depressed. Can't seem to get anything done. Would love to stay In bed all day. I wouldn't ever do it but I caught myself yesterday thinking it would be so much easier if it was just over. Life. So tired of worrying about any little lump or bump, or feeling. Always worried about getting cancer. On meds, do cbt, see a counsellor regularly. Just so deflated with life and what to do. Any suggestions? What has really brought this on is a pressure on both sides of my head, not pain like a headache, but just this weird pressure. Of course I think I have a brain tumour. Just so tired. 😓

25-04-16, 02:34
I'm awake at 2.30 am (uk) worrying I'm going to have - am having, a stroke. And if not a stroke then something else awful is happening to me. You aren't alone, this disorder is awful. You are in good company here.

08-05-16, 20:16
One of my worst fears is a brain tumor too - I relate to the pressure in head, dizzy, tired, and depressed. I'm flat out exhausted with my health anxiety. Sick of it.

I've been having pressure in my forehead and around my eyes for so long. Could be allergies.

08-05-16, 20:33
Aww im the same, can do ok for a few hours and then boom back to square one. My gums are causing me hassle just now, sore bleeding and appear to be receding (havent been to dentist for full check up for a good 18 months) Got the cordosyl mouthwash and toothpaste today to see if itd help. But anxiety in over drive woth thoughts of infection, having pain in collerbones (having tension issues aswell) panicking about all sorts but trying to keep a lid on it