View Full Version : body buzzing/vibrating

25-04-16, 08:55
I have been getting this in my chest, legs and tummy, on and off but mainly worse when going to sleep, i noticed a lot of people have had this but has anyone ever had an explanation from a neuro or doctor ?

25-04-16, 09:03
I've had it since my GAD started. So, over 9 years now. It goes when I get up and move about and it's mainly when I'm sitting, or can be when lying too when my anxiety is raised a lot.

I've never asked much about it because I already know that this is one of the most common anxiety symptoms. Adrenaline causes it. More adrenaline is racing around the body and adrenaline is also found in small quantities in the organs so I expect that's why we feel it in the chest and stomach.

You can also get it from things like low levels of magnesium, another documented reason.

In some areas it can even be a pinched nerve.

So, reasons so exist other than those very scary ones people often associate with this symptom. And as proof, I've had it over 9 years and I'm still here with no other conditions.

25-04-16, 09:08

Thanks for the reply, i am sure its anxiety, do you feel its on the out breath you feel it more ? its like a wave for me, i breath in then when i breath out i feel it

25-04-16, 09:32
Yes, I do. When the outbreath is ending.

Perhaps this is why they tell us to try breathing techniques? Deep breathing is known to cause excess adrenaline it to be metabolized into other things our bodies need, as is exercise.

25-04-16, 09:44
its very strange lol sometimes wonder if its in my head and not happening, i wish you well with your buzzing in future lol

12-04-17, 07:52
I'm currently getting this. I have no help to offer, just know you're not alone lol

mary jane
05-06-17, 21:23
I have this when my vulvodynia neuropathy is "active" ..I keep it under control with magnesium supplements...
the nerves in my feet are buzzing..it's very very annoying ...but with magnesiun it goes away .. I have severe anxiety to the point where I can feel like fainting

05-06-17, 22:38
whats the difference between buzzing and pins 'n needles? I cant say ive felt buzzing before, or maybe I did I just thought it was pins and needles

18-07-17, 19:25
i get from time to time like a buzzing sensation in my chest and upper body, very strange but i have read that its anxiety related.