View Full Version : Anxiety & Insomnia

25-04-16, 10:13

I have not really slept well for a long time now. Getting 3 or 4 hours sleep at best and probably not good quality sleep.

Does anyone else have issues sleeping because of anxiety? Have you been prescribed sleeping pills and do they work? I know sleeping pills are not generally seen as a good idea, they can be addictive etc but are the negative aspect of sleeping pills worse than the negative health implications of sleeping 3 or 4 hours a night?

I can never really tell, is it anxiety causing my insomnia or is insomnia causing my anxiety....

Just wondered what your thoughts are as I have a GP appointment on Wednesday...

25-04-16, 10:18
Quetiapine / seroqual can help with sleeping issues caused by anxiety. They are an anti psychotic drug, but the dose prescribed for sleep/anxiety is tiny in comparison and does help. Actual out and out sleeping pills are not dished out too easily nowadays.

25-04-16, 13:55
It is likely your GP will steer you clear of prescription sleeping tablets. There are other more natural things out there which might help you sleep but these are often trial and error. I also have anxiety which has disrupted my sleep. A few months ago I was lucky if I managed 2-3 hours a night. Now I am up to around 5 hours uninterrupted sleep - still far from perfect but getting better.

Lots of tips - the usual warm milk, an old style anti-histamine (Phenergan - but not to be taken every night, just 3 or 4 nights and then a break), OTC night time sleep aids, Kalms, etc.

Was there something specific which led to the sleepless nights ? Is this now resolved ? I think the anxiety / insomnia actually becomes a vicious circle - when you are anxious about something it prevents the body relaxing and enjoying restful sleep; because you then awake feeling tired and not in the least refreshed this makes you more anxious.

Good luck with your GP.

26-04-16, 12:54
I was prescribed zopiclone for sleep a few months ago. My god it was horrible. I still only got 3 hours sleep but felt awful for days. I had a feeling like a clamp was on my head with this feeling of tension. I just felt really rough for 3 days or so with this strong metallic taste. I know these are side effects but these did not work for me!

26-04-16, 13:23
I had sleeping issues for years because of anxiety but luckily, they've lessened considerably and I now don't worry about sleep.

I've had Zoplicone as per the poster above, but wouldn't recommend it. I felt to spaced out and weird the next day, definitely not well rested. I now take Mirtazapine on a night-time. Its an anti-d but also helps you sleep.

26-04-16, 21:37
I was prescribed zopiclone for sleep a few months ago. My god it was horrible. I still only got 3 hours sleep but felt awful for days. I had a feeling like a clamp was on my head with this feeling of tension. I just felt really rough for 3 days or so with this strong metallic taste. I know these are side effects but these did not work for me!

Are you on anything now or sleeping better without the meds? I just feel so exhausted that I am eating my breakfast as I drive to work. Probably bot the best idea but I am really struggling to get up in time...

---------- Post added at 21:37 ---------- Previous post was at 21:36 ----------

I had sleeping issues for years because of anxiety but luckily, they've lessened considerably and I now don't worry about sleep.

I've had Zoplicone as per the poster above, but wouldn't recommend it. I felt to spaced out and weird the next day, definitely not well rested. I now take Mirtazapine on a night-time. Its an anti-d but also helps you sleep.

How did you overcome your sleeping issues? I know most people who sleep well, when you ask them what they do to get to sleep will just respond 'nothing' . Wish i could just switch off my mind....

26-04-16, 22:15
I put Classic FM on very quietly, try not to look at the clock, practise relaxation exercises and tell myself that even if I'm not asleep, my body is resting. I know I shouldn't, but sometimes I have a half hour nap when I get home from work too! I have also started having epsom salts baths, which are supposed to be relaxing.
I think being anxious about the lack of sleep makes it worse, and then you are stuck in the cycle of anxiety and insomnia.
Hope things pick up for you x

27-04-16, 10:05
I'm currently on olanzapine which is meant to be helping with some obsessive thinking. These are helping some nights as they have a sedative effect. Also I'm finding I wake up less during the night

27-04-16, 11:35
How did you overcome your sleeping issues? I know most people who sleep well, when you ask them what they do to get to sleep will just respond 'nothing' . Wish i could just switch off my mind....

Pretty much! I found having a set routine helped. I also listen to the radio /podcasts religiously before bed as I find they put me to sleep. I like a bit of audio to listen to or my mind tends to wander... Eventually I just stopped worrying about sleep which means I can sleep now most nights! exactly how I got out of the spiral of worrying about sleep = not sleeping i'm still not sure!

27-04-16, 14:38
i battle this and the lack of sleep causes me numerous other problems. Im tracking my sleep not and realizing i sleep more then i realized at least lately but its not very good quality sleep. I sleep for maybe an hour at a time then i'm awake again. this goes on all ngiht long.

Meds and supplements I think i've tried them all and they all have some side affect that i cant tolerate. I've had some luck with CBD oil but it doesnt keep me down but keeps me from twitching all night long if that makes any sense.

Relaxing music and all o;f that does just that relaxes me which is great but doesnt keep me asleep.

I'll run myself to the point of collapse and still not sleep but sometimes i do and its always great when it happens but never enough.

I'm at the point now where I've figured out how to get relaxed calm my mind and tame the anxious thoughts control the rest less legs get ac omfortable bed (I now sleep on the floor) Now i'm up 38128932198312 times a night to pee trying to figure this out now *sigh*.

28-04-16, 12:48
I have not had a full nights sleep since october, I seem to wake up every hour or hour and a half I have been like this since i had a a massive panic attack in october then ended up with DR/DP - My racing thoughts and intrusive thoughts make it difficult to sleep or stay asleep xx

28-04-16, 13:26
Hi - sorry if this is an obvious question..

Have you seen anyone professional about what you are going through? HAve you had any help with it and\or the sleep?

28-04-16, 14:36
@carl is that question aimed at me or the OP xx

28-04-16, 15:04
Sorry GadGirl, I did not realise you weren't the op. Yes it was aimed at you :)

28-04-16, 15:07
I have im currently working with both psychiatrist and psychologist My psychologist is great but my psychiatrist just wants to shove drugs down my throat and i have a fear off meds xx

28-04-16, 16:59
Ah I see :)

I'm not a fan of meds myself but I'm fairly new to all this. Only been dealing with it for 2 months so I'm currently using an anti psychotic for obsessive thoughts.

Is there an easy way to explain the difference between psychiatrist and psychologist?

29-04-16, 15:05
I have been prescribed quatapine if that how you spell it aswell for sleep and obsessive thoughts but im scared of side effects. Well for me Psychiatrist just prescribes meds etc, were psychologist well mine anyway was the one that diagnoised me with my conditions, provides talk therapys, and helps get me classes sorted and other therapys. Im currently waiting for exposure therapy for trauma. xx