View Full Version : Travel anxiety

25-04-16, 17:11
Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum. Thought I would join as I am travelling to Jamaica in a week and have had constant anxiety about this trip. For every reason and no reason at all. I know I'll be fine once I'm there but just wanted to talk about my anxiety to people who can relate :)

25-04-16, 17:17
Hiya Grace315 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

28-04-16, 15:30
Good morning Grace315. I'm jealous, I've always wanted to go to the Caribbean. But like yourself, I have travel anxiety issues. The thing I try to think of is how much I'll miss if I don't make the trip. Last Christmas in fact my family was planning a short trip just 100 miles from our home to visit relatives. Just to get myself to go I had to let my daughter drive, while I sat in the passenger seat white-knocked with my eyes closed. Even then, I asked to turn around and go home.

Here's the thing, nearly each time this has happened, I usually end up having a good time and calming down. You'd think by now I'd be over it. But even on short trips like to the grocery store, I still get a twinge as I drive. The best thing I can tell you is, if it happens, it happens. By that I mean, I still have to remind myself that the stuff your anxiety is dreading is going to happen rather you're anxious or not.

Grace315, I hope this helps. Best to you on your trip.

02-05-16, 17:17
Hi Grace, I use to fear flying, still do a bit, but not so bad now. What I found helped me was diazapam.

11-08-16, 02:25
Hi Grace315,

I hope you had a wonderful trip. Did you find any techniques to help with your pre-travel anxiety? I experience the worst anxiety before I travel, but not during travel. I would really love to hear if you (or anyone out there!) has any personal advice on how to cope. (I do have meds, but they slow me down more than help with packing and travel preparations!)
Best regards! :)