View Full Version : Holiday tomorrow / lifestyle changes

25-04-16, 19:15
Tomorrow I start my journey to Disneyland Paris. I feel I've come such a long way since September.
I've reduced my alcohol intake and have not smoked for 6 days (still early days but a huge achievement for me).
I feel surprisingly calm, usually this close to a holiday I'm at meltdown point.
I intend to enjoy every single minute of this break and put any fears and irrational thoughts to the back of my mind (if the excessive throat burps and irritating throat issues disappear whilst away I will accept they are anxiety, if not I'll start the reflux medication).
I'm finally starting to feel more in control of my life, I'm definitely sleeping better with the reduced alcohol (apart from the last few nights due to smoking withdrawal) and I'm feeling confident I can say goodbye to smoking and we all know the health benefits of that!
Take care all.

25-04-16, 20:14
Have a wonderful time and the distraction of Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and the rest of the gang will keep you occupied I'm sure :)

Making major lifestyle changes, especially voluntary ones is challenging but you're doing it the right way. I had no choice in the matter but I can tell you it was every bit as difficult... BUT.... I can also tell you it does get easier and eventually becomes second nature and every time you get a craving or urge, just draw on all the positives you've gained (the $$ alone is enough motivation!)

Positive thoughts

25-04-16, 20:18
Thanks Fishmanpa, you've been a good friend, we live many miles apart but you've been more supportive than some friends who live close by. Your words resounded for a long time about choice, choice gives us control which gives us more power.
Funny thing is, the stopping smoking is helping the ha as every symptom I'm now putting down to withdrawals.
Can't wait to see Minnie and Eeyore.

25-04-16, 20:37
You have done so well, Tracey! I've never smoked but my sister has smoked heavily for decades and has no intention of giving up. She is totally in the grip of nicotine addiction but doesn't care..

I admire you greatly for your decision to quit and stick with it and I hope you and your family have a wonderful Disneyland holiday! x

25-04-16, 20:49
Thank you hun, smoking is the biggest regret of my life and has such a hold over everything that you do. I don't want that anymore and I'm embarrassed of smoking especially when I'm at the doctors with my latest fixation and they ask me if I smoke, it makes me feel foolish.
We're all looking forward to a well earned break, it will be the 2nd anniversary of my stepdaughter's mother death whilst we are there so that day will certainly be tinged with sadness for us all.

25-04-16, 21:02
Well done tracey, i smoked for 6 years and stopped whilst pregnant, been off them just over 3 years (except a wee blip the start of this year but was one week and only 10 smokes so not horrendous) An extremely hard thing to do but think of the benefits to your body after only 6 days & things will only improve! Hope ypu have a good holiday xx

25-04-16, 21:06
Thanks hun and well done on your quit, that's brilliant. Hooe I'm saying the same in 3 years. Xxx

25-04-16, 22:10
Im sure you will be, first fortnight is the worst xx

30-04-16, 21:29
Last night tonight of a wonderful holiday. Funnily enough, my 'serious' throat problems have disappeared, no strangulation feeling at all. Still not smoking, nearly 2 weeks and proud that it is not bothering me half as much as I thought, in fact my room is on the 7th floor and I certainly haven't missed hauling myself down 7 floors at 6:30am to poison my lungs!
Was even very calm on eurostar (haven't been on it before, thought I'd hyperventilate).
Been on a few scary rides, walked enough miles to know my heart must be in good shape and laughed and shed happy tears.
Back to reality tomorrow, but that doesn't mean back to my old ways. I've experienced a good dose of living and long may that continue.

30-04-16, 22:36
Glad to read that you have had a nice trip :) Congratulations on the smoking too, that's really hard to do and you are hanging in there!

01-05-16, 08:38
Wonderfully positive news, Tracey! I'm so glad that you have enjoyed yourself so much and that the throat symptoms abated. Also you have achieved so much with the not smoking!

Wishing you a safe journey home! xx

01-05-16, 20:35
Thank you, back in the UK, staying in London tonight before travelling back tomorrow.
I always believed that stopping smoking would make me more anxious but the reverse is true for me.

01-05-16, 21:20
Glad you had a good holiday & that things are going well xx

01-05-16, 22:44
:yesyes: Great to hear this!! Good going! Glad to hear you're kicking some anxiety and smoking A$$!

Positive thoughts

02-05-16, 16:51
Thanks FMP, I'm so happy about the smoking, I feel more in control not having to worry about how, when and where I can have a cigarette or getting anxious when I'm running low on them.
Back home and it's nice to be back, see smoking cessation support woman tomorrow and want to do the couch to 5k programme as exercise was my next goal and I already feel like my breathing is easier.

02-05-16, 17:04
You must feel so liberated, Tracey! Glad that everything worked out so well on holiday-you'll be signing up for a half-marathon next!:D

02-05-16, 17:31
Hope you are well pulisa, I've reached a point where I realise that there's parts of the anxiety I have no control over but I can change some things and make positive changes, let face it, sitting on the sofa dwelling on everything hasn't done me any favours so far!