View Full Version : Work is so horrible

25-04-16, 20:15
I'm so upset with feeling awkward and tense all day at work. I worry about every single email, thing I say etc. I'm so awkward and by the end of the day I feel totally exhausted.

I'm actually really ambitious so this upsets me. I keep moving jobs and everywhere is the same. The fact there is a 'normal' or 'correct' way to behave bothers me as I can't be myself.

Help ? Does anyone else feel the same?


25-04-16, 20:27
I can relate to this,

My job has me writing emails and communicating via phone almost all day. Its tiring. I used to worry about writing an email and then stress about clicking the SEND button and then having anxiety over what happens after I sent it. Did I say the wrong thing? Was I clear enough? Did I misspell a lot of words? Is what I said even relevant to the situation? Just alot of over thinking. I'd go back and read it over and over.

Phone calls too, I wonder If I should speak up during certain conversations, make sure I got all my bases covered and whether I was clear enough or if my voice was too timid etc. Perhaps the individual on the other side thought I was an idiot or something I dunno.

In any case I did get over it by what? I just stopped caring so much. For example an email, I'd think about what I want to say, then just say it. You can always put, does this make sense? At the end if you're trying to convey something, or just leave it really.

The anxiety you experience wants you to ruminate/worry about whether anything you did was OK. Most of the time it is, and if not so what? It happens and if it begins to be too much of a bother and people hold things like that in a very high regard perhaps its time to find a different gig.

To be honest that is exactly what I am going through right now, switching jobs to a less stressful one and that actually pays more.

Its all about how comfortable you feel with yourself and what situation you are in.

Either way I wouldn't worry about trying to be correct all the time, because no one is and putting emphasis on it is only putting pressure on yourself. I say it like this, why put more pressure on myself worrying about this when my boss already is? Just go with the flow, do your work, at the end of the day the job stays at the job and not in your mind.

25-04-16, 20:27
In my signature it says "Enjoy the work you do" IMO, that's 50% or more of the battle in life.

What if you went into business for yourself? What is your passion? Dreams? Goals? If you're the boss, you control everything and it doesn't matter what others think ;)

I work for someone else but I'm in an executive position so I pretty much do as I please. As long as the bottom line looks good, my boss leaves me alone. I also love what I do (I'm in the music industry) If it got to the point where I hated coming to work, I would just go back to full time music. I'm a professional musician and solo singer/songwriter/player. I don't need to worry about anyone else but myself. I book my own gigs, do my own marketing etc. If anything happens it's on me so I make sure it doesn't :)

Positive thoughts

25-04-16, 20:31
I work for someone else but I'm in an executive position so I pretty much do as I please. As long as the bottom line looks good, my boss leaves me alone.

Yes THIS is exactly why Im switching jobs. The pay raise is nice too though.

My current job is so full of micromanagement it almost drove me insane a few times. I don't attribute all my anxiety to my job but I do think its a significant factor for it. I feel slightly bad because I have alot spent into this job and me leaving is going to leave a HUGE gap and cause more stress to my co-workers.

In the end though I have to do whats best for me and my family and my sanity depends on it.

25-04-16, 21:06
I can relate to this,

My job has me writing emails and communicating via phone almost all day. Its tiring. I used to worry about writing an email and then stress about clicking the SEND button and then having anxiety over what happens after I sent it. Did I say the wrong thing? Was I clear enough? Did I misspell a lot of words? Is what I said even relevant to the situation? Just alot of over thinking. I'd go back and read it over and over.

Phone calls too, I wonder If I should speak up during certain conversations, make sure I got all my bases covered and whether I was clear enough or if my voice was too timid etc. Perhaps the individual on the other side thought I was an idiot or something I dunno.

In any case I did get over it by what? I just stopped caring so much. For example an email, I'd think about what I want to say, then just say it. You can always put, does this make sense? At the end if you're trying to convey something, or just leave it really.

The anxiety you experience wants you to ruminate/worry about whether anything you did was OK. Most of the time it is, and if not so what? It happens and if it begins to be too much of a bother and people hold things like that in a very high regard perhaps its time to find a different gig.

To be honest that is exactly what I am going through right now, switching jobs to a less stressful one and that actually pays more.

Its all about how comfortable you feel with yourself and what situation you are in.

Either way I wouldn't worry about trying to be correct all the time, because no one is and putting emphasis on it is only putting pressure on yourself. I say it like this, why put more pressure on myself worrying about this when my boss already is? Just go with the flow, do your work, at the end of the day the job stays at the job and not in your mind.

Thank you so much for your reply. I was sitting here crying and feel a lot better now X

27-04-16, 14:33
This is a good thread for me today just got hit with my performance review at work. I'm like oh great this stupid formality fill out this paper for the file sorry no raise or some crap raise who knows. but the anxiety of it is rediculous and for what? its all so stupid. everyone just going through some motions etc..

I have to throw my hands in the air and just allow the pieces to fall where they may. whatever will be will be.

99% of the time its a big deal I showed up and even bothered to log on.