View Full Version : Armpit pain

25-04-16, 20:55
I've been having pain under my left arm. Sometimes I get it in the right. It really intensified after I started to take Birth control but stopped after it really started to hurt. It subsided by the pain is still felt in the left mostly. I went to a doctor to check it out, he said he felt a lymph node but it wasn't concerning. Of course my anxiety goes off because he didn't want to investigate further. I am going to my family doctor tomorrow about it but I doubt he will do anything either. So I'm on edge. Anyone else have this where it's not serious? (if you have and it was serious, don't reply or else it will send my anxiety in further)

06-05-16, 21:58
My family doctor said he can't feel any lymph nodes...but I am still not convinced and am freaking out. I have a lack of appetite but not sure if it's from Anxiety or if I am still recovering from a sudden stomach bug I had on Sunday.

24-05-16, 08:58
This happened to me a few months ago.

24-05-16, 11:31
It happens to me sometimes, it has to do with your period.its normal to get armpit pain and tender breasts around ovulation time.they are called reactive lymphnodes, nothing wrong.dr won.t do anything unless they can palp them several months in a row.relax and enjoy your day, nothing is wrong 🙋

27-05-16, 22:40
I have been having bad pain under my armpit for months. Like someone is twisting a knife in, The pain goes into my boob, and up into my neck and down my wrist. I convinced myself I could feel swelling under there. I got referred to the breast clinic and he said he thinks it is the computer! Sitting at it for my job is what he thinks causes it. Anyway, he still referred me for a mammogram and an ultrasound last week, both which came back fine. So if you are a computer user, it could be that :)