View Full Version : What exactly are normal blood results?

25-04-16, 21:10
Don't worru I'm not nit picking at the results i am very happy. But the receptionist is useless bless him. He just said they were normal.

What is normal in regards to my bloods? I was half expecting me to go in and collect them even for a chat about my normal bloods but nope. I know a few of you have worked in Gp surgeries so just curious :)

25-04-16, 21:16
That is impossible to answer. There is such a wide range with different tests and different results. Health Anxiety forum is not a good place to add such information anyway, it could worry others.

25-04-16, 21:19
Normal blood means that there's a bright red life-giving fluid being pumped round your body and there's no sign of anything wrong with it. It's the best news you can get about your blood.

25-04-16, 21:30
Ha I know that at least!

It was done to check my hormones and stuff so I guess they're in check and this is just all in my mind!

25-04-16, 22:27
Literally means " within normal limits" for the test they did. I used to work at a Dr's surgery and this is what we meant when we told people this. Some would ask for their exact results and the reference range - in fact I do this when I have my 6 monthly thyroid function test so that I can keep a record as well.

25-04-16, 22:34
Yeah my receptionist was shit. He said normal and didn't need further investigation and they don't send letrers out and. I could talk about results but didn't need to.

25-04-16, 22:39
My last set of bloods were normal, I didn't want to know anymore than that, why would I? I'm not trained to understand what blood results mean, I've no background in knowing what the parameters are for normal, there's no specific issue that I want to monitor my levels on.
Reb, please breathe a sigh of relief and remember sadly for some on these forums would love the results we got.
Time to fight your demons, put your energy into understanding and accepting your anxiety by whatever means and tools you feel comfortable with.

25-04-16, 22:40
If you want to talk about results you can see your GP but you won't get much out of them other than then saying exactly what countrygirl has said. What they tested you for, is inside the expected range hence what they were considering is ruled out.

25-04-16, 22:45
It was a general blood count and liver and thyroid thing.

If anything untoward in slightest it'd be highlighted?

25-04-16, 22:46
Yep, any issue and your GP would have pulled you in for a chat about it. They were just being prudent in checking if there was a common anxiety cause from a physical perspective.

26-04-16, 10:30
Yeah my receptionist was shit. He said normal and didn't need further investigation and they don't send letrers out and. I could talk about results but didn't need to.

Bit harsh....no recetionist is going to explain and individually spell out each and every blood result to a patient, plus why would they when the results are within normal ranges......what is there to explain??

Normal means just that...within the normal ranges for each test that they did. There is nothing more to say about that, and really nothing more you would need to know. The only reason the doctor may talk to you was if your results were within the normal ranges, but approaching the lower or higher side....like for something like increasing cholesterol or reduced red cells - anaemia.

Other than that, I would celebrate the fact your results are good, and leave it at that. x