View Full Version : Pain/pressure in your bum

25-04-16, 21:23
I know Im annoying opening the second bowel cancer fear thread in a row but im just wondering did any of you guys who were diagnosed with IBS ever experience an unpleasant pressure or discomfort in your rectum?

On top of all the others I have this new symptom now too and its driving me absolutely nuts, its there all the time now - panic mode on!

Instead of everything slowly getting better Im developing new scary symptoms by the day.

25-04-16, 22:04
Yes, I've had this a couple of times over the past week. It only lasts for a minute or so then disappears.

26-04-16, 04:51
Yes, I've had this a couple of times over the past week. It only lasts for a minute or so then disappears.

Me too
If you find out what it is pls let me know

26-04-16, 06:46
Oh yes. I remember this bad feeling. I experienced it many times several months ago. Finally was diagnosed with IBS. Together with anxiety of course. I was put on ADs. Since that, all those feelings are gone. The only thing persisting is ill feeling every single day and fatigue. I don't know what it could be but while on ADs, I don't care so much. It started in January and it lasts until today

26-04-16, 08:47
It's called proctalgia fugaz and can happen with IBS.

26-04-16, 08:56
proctalgia fugaz.

I thought he was my local Labour MP? :D

Had to look that one up, I've had plenty of bum pains over the years with having roids all that time.

NHS Choices mentioned paracetamol and a bath can help. Just like roids then with the baths.

26-04-16, 12:28
sounds like hemorrhoids. I started drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water every day and they shrunk. I used to have them for a long time and I was really worried about cancer but then I read up on natural remedies and that worked! Give it a try.