View Full Version : Can't take it.. but I'm trying..

25-04-16, 22:42
Hi guys, I'll give you a quick run down, i've had panic attacks and severe anxiety since I was 13. Bad. I mean 5+ attacks a day in my younger years. I had beat it for years, about 9 in fact, of course anxiety was there, but I controlled it. 22, I had a relapse for about a few months and I beat that until now, 26. I recently got bed-ridden sick for days and this all spiraled out of control, I had a bad panic attack and I got traumatized and here I am in this loop. Only this time, I am severely depressed. I feel like there is no hope, I feel so guilty for not being able to be my happy self I was just two weeks ago and enjoy my family. I feel like how many more distractions can I possibly throw on the plate, that I haven't already tired to make this go away? I'm getting Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome.. I'm dizzy and lightheaded all day and I feel weak.. I literally can't stand it. It's all in my head and I can't escape it.. is it going to be like this forever? Will I never again enjoy my life? I had so many dreams and now I am reduced to a man who literally can't do anything without feel like trash. I try and go to the gym, I try and go out into life and be social but it's always there.. It's so hard to distract myself from taking that deep breath, now I am getting health anxiety worried I am destroying my body and it's a vicious loop.... the only peace I get is the wee hours before I fall asleep because I knwo at least for a few hours I won't have to suffer. I can't take this. Im so angry and depressed...this black cloud over my life once again and this time I'm worried I just can't beat it.. I'm always going to feel this way.

25-04-16, 23:02
Sounds like you are in a bad place. But remind yourself that you've been there before and come through it.

Have you been to the doctor? Are you on any medication?

You won't feel like this forever. I promise.

26-04-16, 22:05
Hi shaz, no meds and I'm in therapy again. Been looking at kava root and something called serelax. I don't know..I feel like if j take a treatment and it doesn't work I'll be much worse off. I've been distracting myself the past days but it's very very hard and am still lightheaded all day