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26-04-16, 08:51
What does normal ecg and normal troponin bloods mean.x

26-04-16, 12:50
What does normal ecg and normal troponin bloods mean.x


1. conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
"it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food"
synonyms: usual, standard, ordinary, customary, conventional, habitual, accustomed, expected, wonted;

1.the usual, average, or typical state or condition.
"her temperature was normal"

Troponin is an enzyme released during a heart attack. Bottom line is your heart is physically fine. No ifs, ands, buts or doubts. That's what "normal" means.

Positive thoughts

26-04-16, 13:53
Fishmanpa has nailed it:) Whatever your worry is it ain't your heart!

26-04-16, 20:15
Thanks . Had chest pain and left arm pain and ended up in hospital where they did ecg and bloods and all normal but still having chest and arm pain and im struggling with it xx

26-04-16, 20:19
Just as a reference. You posted this 4 years ago...

Hi its been one of those days again. Had chest pain today and went to doc had ecg done it came back fine anyway the problem im having at the min is my head .

I really feel, that's where you need to focus your efforts.

Positive thoughts

26-04-16, 20:28
Most chest pain is musculo/skeletal in origin as we have alot of cartilage and muscles inbetween our ribs and lots of muscles etc all round our upper back.

26-04-16, 21:19
My thoughts automatically jump to heart attack or heart related and once the thought is in there it's so hard to get out. When I was in hospital they took blood pressure and it was high ive never had high blood pressure reading ever but they took it again ten minutes later and it was fine. I don't know anymore. I just hate being in pain every day its really getting me down xx