View Full Version : Please somebody help me

26-04-16, 11:16
Hi there
I have posted a few times recently about having an ear infection then eustachian tube dysfunction after the infection was gone. It is causing me so much stress & worry. My left ear is constantly ringing & I'm waking at night dizzy & panicked. I seem to be worse lying down. Doctor gave me serc but I stopped taking it because it made me feel very sick.
The dizziness & blocked ears just won't go away. I honestly don't know what to do anymore I feel like I can't get on with my day to day life with this. I'm just sitting here crying all morning because I feel so lonely & no one understands how this feels. I'm so frustrated and sad please please somebody tell me they've been here & it's gone away. I've had it about 4 weeks now. My husband & doc say being anxious is definitely not helping but how in god's name can I not be anxious when I'm waking up dizzy every night:( thanks for reading.[COLOR="blue"]

---------- Post added at 11:16 ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 ----------

Please anyone? I'm losing my mind here

26-04-16, 12:10
I had a friend who suffered from this and she really had a hard time with the dizziness and feeling sick. I know it lasted quite a while. I really sympathise with you.
Of course the anxiety makes it so much worse. It seems to magnify whatever symptoms we're experiencing.
Could you chat to your Doctor again? For some reassurance? Has he told you how long to expect these symptoms to last? And do you take something for your anxiety? Because I'm sure your symptoms would calm down if your anxiety was under control.

26-04-16, 12:46
Thank you for replying. I sometimes take xanax for anxiety & to be honest it does really help. I have been to the doc three times in three weeks over this & each time she just said it will go away by itself , give it time try not to be so anxious about it but it's easier said than done. My husband doesn't think 4 weeks is a long time to have these symptoms but I do & I'm afraid I'll be stuck like this forever. I have a little boy & I feel so guilty feeling like this im just so stressed and sad today

---------- Post added at 12:46 ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 ----------

Could anxiety be waking me at night? I seem to wake out of nowhere then feel dizzy and off. Then I hear my ear ringing because it's so quiet and I can't get back asleep :(

26-04-16, 13:07
I took a look and it seems you've been dealing with this since 2009 as you mention the exact same exact thing in a post. Some people have chronic inner ear issues that cause the symptoms you're experiencing. After 7 years, while I'm sure it's disconcerting, as anyone with chronic physical symptoms can attest to (raises hand), it's not sinister. The only question I have concerning the inner ear issue is if there's some med that may help. (like an allergy pill etc.)

Certainly stress and anxiety can and do exasperate physical symptoms. The more you focus on the symptom the greater and more severe they seem to be.

Positive thoughts

26-04-16, 13:52
I have chronic balance issues probaby due to my damaged neck and my very poor eyesight combined with some ear issues ( pulsitile tinnitus etc). I totally sympathise with your anxiety over the dizziness as I can get attacks of spinning vertigo and almost always feels unsteady and on verge of dizziness. I have had this for past 25 years in varying degrees so like you I know its not due to any sinister reason but living with it is what causes the anxiety.

If laying down makes you dizzy then have your tried sleeping sitting partially upright, I get dizzy when I bend over and down so try and not do that if I can, I also don't turn round suddenly or rush around as both these can cause sudden vertigo.

When I get the severe spinning vertigo I get huge anxiety rush that leaves me shaky for days and fearful its going to happen again - getting over this is the hardest thing as at one time I ended up almost housebound because of it but don't let this happen to you. The worst that can happen is you get dizzy in public but just hang onto somethig,c lose your eyes and it will pass.

Have you ever tried a steroid nasal spray for a month to see if it can unclog your ear tube? My husband has to do this occasionaly for ear congestion due to allergies.

26-04-16, 14:17
Thank you so much for your helpful replies. Fishmanpa, I had forgotten I had the same issue a few years ago! Obviously it ended up going away so that makes me feel a lot better! I just tend to get very focused on symptoms to the point of obsession. Plus I usually am told I just have anxiety when I go to the doctor, so when Im told I actually have a problem & I don't deal with it very well. I had a talk with my husband this morning & I am going to continue to take the Serc & see if it helps. I only took it for one day before I decided it wasn't working! I hate taking medication. Thanks again for your replies. :hugs:

19-05-16, 16:04
I hope you are feeling better.

I am going through something very similar. I've had the eustachian tube dysfunction before apparently but now I have it with the ringing/static and its really flaring my GAD, I can't stop being anxious about it.

My left ear was originally full of wax which was removed but the symptoms are still the same. Back to the docs Saturday but I'm really struggling with this and the though of it being permanent is really bring back what was a 90% recovery from anxiety :(