View Full Version : How does your dizzyness feel?

26-04-16, 12:48
This is the one symptom that really bothers me, I am not really sure how to describe it.

Sometimes I get a split second of intense dizziness that's goes again really quickly and other times I can feel lightheaded all day.

Occasionally I get more of a spinning feeling, its a real mixture.

The main one is the feeling off being off balance and getting a sinking feeling l also feel like I am leaning which makes me nervous to walk and brings on more anxiety, when I have to go anywhere this can lead to full on panic.

Everyday I wake up scared of what the day will be like because I know at some point I will feel dizzy or lightheaded and every time it happens I think I will collapse.

I have tried to control my breathing as I have been told over breathing can cause it but nothing seems to help and its really getting me down.:shrug:

26-04-16, 12:54
The main one is the feeling off being off balance and getting a sinking feeling

That's the only one i get, it can last for weeks at a time and then go suddenly, which makes me not worry about it so much, although it's very unpleasant.

26-04-16, 14:34
I have been looking back at some of my old posts and I was getting the same symptoms years ago so that should tell me its nothing sinister, but why can't I help thinking it is.
It's so frustrating I know I am making it worse by worrying but I can't help it.

26-04-16, 14:56
I'm in the same boat although mine only started a year ago, it went away for months and then came back, considering i can find so many people describing the same feeling you would think we wouldn't worry about it! But this is a hard one as the feeling is so unpleasant and out of your control, i totally empathize.
Paying it attention is definitely making it worse, i did get to a point once where i was so fed up of it all i just said sod it if something happens to me it's going to happen anyway and just got on with it, even laughing to myself at the sinking swaying feeling, it did soon subside, but it's hard to do this and be consistent x

26-04-16, 22:03
Yes! I get the lightheadedness and unable to concentrate, it makes me not want to stand up and go out because I don't want to experience it and then start the whole panic and depression cycle. I feel like it's caused by over breathing..thing is I'm
Not even anxious and I'm doing it. So lame, just want it to go away.

27-04-16, 05:04
Like Im walking on a boat.

03-06-16, 18:45
I constantly feel I'm walking on a boat like my head spinning

06-06-16, 01:11
Look up Mal de Debarquement Syndrome.

07-06-16, 13:18
Can any of you relate to being kinda lightheaded i wouldnt say fully lightheaded or dizzy , but enough to make you feel a bit spaced out, i find it hard to describe how i feel when im like this but its like a little bit of lightheadedness mixed with being a bit spaced out .

it really bothers me as it makes me feel like im not 100% focused

07-06-16, 15:43
i had this today, its like 3 or 4 seconds i get this swoosh in my body and feels like im about to have a stroke

i also get the walking on a boat feeling, i have had this on and off for many years so i am not as worried about that but when you start getting tingling in your hand, arm and face on the same day as this vertigo attack you assume the worst

07-06-16, 16:18
insideout, i get what your saying about the arm etc. although i seem to concentrate on my left side thinking i am going to have a stroke , its not really tingling but i make myself believe that my left side is weaker even my jaw and cheek i feel that its weaker. its all in the mind im sure.

also if i sit a certain way i can convince myslef my chest is tight etc

07-06-16, 16:24

yes i have that problem just now, i get periods where my arm does tingle and my shoulder burns, but i feel my left arm is weaker, when i carry shopping then transfer it to left side it always feels a bit heavier.

i also have issue with my jaw, sometimes i find it an effort to speak and one side feels heavy, strange symptoms