View Full Version : Adrenaline rushes or something else??

26-04-16, 16:11
Started Citalopram a month ago - was on and off them for years. Came off BBs to start them as contraindictations. Not sure whether it's coincidental but have had bad shaking most days. Waking up with heart racing at 5:00am. Shaking usually eases off by late afternoon but for the last two days, have been suffering with really bad hypos to the point I thought I would collapse yesterday - stuck it all morning and then resorted to my last valium and it eased off so I thought oh, it's just anxiety. Today same thing happened but it's been on and off all day. Managed to get it under control with distraction a bit but all of a sudden I go weak armed, wobbly and can't type (I'm at work).

I have recently been diagnosed with Vitamin D very low and am taking mega dose.

I am really worried now that I have an adrenal gland tumour or pituitary gland tumour (yes, been googling and it makes sense otherwise how can you just be in this hypo-type situation on and off all day. haven't got diabetes, been tested. All bloods okay. Random adrenaline surges are related to something wrong with the endocrine system apparently so my HA has ramped up to sky high now. I can't cope any more. I have tried EVERYTHING to get my anxiety down and nothing works. It's as if my body is now saying 'enough' .... there is one thing after another. I tried to close my eyes at lunch time to do some meditation but my eye balls were moving around quickly and my eyes wouldn't stop trembling so I couldn't even do that.

Anybody else had this? I am sick of everything being anxiety. It can't be anxiety all the time.

26-04-16, 16:29
Yep, been there and done that and I even was given the 24hr urine sample kit to rule out an adrenal tumour about 4 years ago by a sympathetic GP. Guess what it was negative!

Coming off betablockers will take quite a time for your body to adjust which is probably why you are having racing heart at times as your heart has been artificially supressed for a long time. So thats a perfectly plausable explanation for racing heart.

Citalopram causes all sorts of side effects, a very common one is extreme anxiety for a period of time. In most people this resolves in a few weeks and they then get the benefits of the drug but I personally know people who had to give up no matter how long they tried because it just made their anxiety go off the scale. My close friend was literally sleepless for nights on end with it and was a shaking quivering wreck and after 3 weeks she gave up because the drug was worse than her original anxiety.

So how long have you been on it and did the worst of the shaking etc start a few days after you went back on it?

26-04-16, 17:00
Countrygirl, I had that test quite a few years ago too.

It's really worrying me. The shaking definitely started after I went back on the Citalopram about a month ago but has gradually got worse, yet I took them happily for years and didn't have any start up effects. The hypos are quite frightening and they've only started this last few days so I'm wondering if that's the Vitamin D mega dose....

I hope it's not the Citalopram as I don't want to try another AD. I had terrible side affects for 6 weeks trying Sertraline. I was so ill and then had a couple of weeks off that and then off the BBs and then onto Citalopram but I'm no better yet - just not crying all day!

26-04-16, 19:19
I take citalopram and beta blockers, and so do others I know. My doctor said it is perfectly safe to take them both together, and I also take an ACE inhibitor so that's two different blood pressure tablets AND Citalopram. No contra indications came up and the pharmacist said all OK to take together.

26-04-16, 19:44
With all the medication changes and your mega dose vit d tablets as well then any/all of your symptoms could be a reaction and then the added anxiety this causes adds more symptoms.

Very low Vit D also gives alot of strange symptoms as well so goodness thats quite a mix!

The only way of knowing if its is the citalopram is to come off them but this is probably not something you want to do.

I have little knowledge of anti depressants as I only once tried mitrazapine and got such severe side effects that after 2 weeks I had to stop them and have never tried any others. sorry I can't be more help.

26-04-16, 21:25
Country girl, thanks again. Yep, got all sorts going on with my system but just want to feel better as I am driving everyone away with my constant moaning and complaining of this and that symptom.

Mojo, I think it's just the BB I was on, sotalol, that had contraindications with Citalopram, causes rare heart problems in some people so was taken off them.