View Full Version : EARS

26-04-16, 17:13
Does anyone else seem to have problems with there ears? Last week and a half or so mine have been sore, ringing pressure feeling behind them, sharp pains and an ache going down neck. I have dr on friday but this is driving me up the wall and dont know whether to get an appt tomorrow or not

Ps cold weather seems to be aggravating them

26-04-16, 17:16
I'm having problems with mine but it is limited to night time or when i've been sleeping i'm waking with real bad pain, they're sore to touch like the cartilage in them too, feeling of fullness ect although doc has had a look in them and says they are fine. I think mine is related too my jaw issues or night time clenching causing pressure in and around the ear maybe,

I'd say you can definitely wait until Friday although i can imagine it's not pleasant it most certainly isnt an emergency, try pain killers and anti inflammatory, i use a cold cloth on mine but that's because they get inflamed. Hope it eases for you

26-04-16, 17:23
Thank you, hope yours eases aswell. Im pretty sure its a build up of wax or a small infection. Im demented with it, they are really really irritating and i stupidly googled and you can imagine what came up. Just keep paracetomol until friday

26-04-16, 17:29
Yep i can imagine lol yeah just stick pith the pain killers and see how you go, do any certain positions make it worse?

26-04-16, 17:31
Yeah certain ways i turn my neck makes it worse and like i say the cold snap has really agravated them today. Ive been highly anxious the last few weeks so think that might have a part to play too. Been gettin headache and jaw ache aswell but unsure if related or not