View Full Version : Please help, spiraling :(

26-04-16, 17:22
I'm 19 years old . In my second year of university and in December of 2015 I had my first ever panic attack. My life has not been the same since.

After my panic attack I started waking up sick everyday, this lasted for a couple months. Then I developed chest pains and this also stuck around for a while. Now I deal with burning sensations in my left foot and hand and also the left side of my face. Sometimes it can feel numb but it isn't truly numb. I can still feel everything just like the other side. I've been to numerous doctors, have had an endoscopy, all kinds of tests on my heart, and also MRI of my brain because I feared something has been wrong with me or I have something serious. I also tried a chiropractor and now have been also dealing with a sore neck on top of everything else .

Long story short, the doctors have told me I'm fine and that I need to try and ignore the physical symptoms and have attributed everything to stress/anxiety. I don't know what to do anymore . Im losing everything. My school is being affected by this. My relations with my 5 year long girlfriend . My relations with my family and most of all my sanity . I don't want to do anything anymore but be in bed and feel sorry for myself. I used to be the most relaxed guy ever . Used to toke and just relax . I feel like my life has been taken away from me and I'm terrified I am going to have to deal with this the rest of my life. I'm terrified of losing my girlfriend because of this . I'm feel like I'm spiraling and falling into a depression . . This isn't me. Im scared . .

Will any of this ever just stop? Will these physical symptoms disappear and can I have my life back? That's all I want honestly . . I'm willing to do whatever it takes to have my life back and live a happy life . My condolences go out to anyone who has dealt with this, it's terrifying.
Thank you so much.

26-04-16, 17:42
I have a daughter a little older than you and she suffers from depression and anxiety. It all came to a head while she was at college a couple of years ago.

She came to me and told me what was going on so I along with her mother (my ex) made sure she got help. She left school for about 9 months, moved home with her Mom and got help. Between therapy and meds, she's doing great now and will graduate this December. She still has a blip now and again but she has our support as well as her therapist and has learned coping tools and techniques that make it easier to deal with her illness.

So the answer to your question is "Yes".... it can and will get better but you need help to get you there. If you're willing to do whatever it takes, then it starts with speaking to your parents or a trusted adult/counselor at the college. Speak to your doctor about the possibilities of meds as well.

Good luck and Positive thoughts

26-04-16, 18:35
Thanks a ton fishmanpa! Looking to get better soon ..