View Full Version : Work getting to me

26-04-16, 17:37
Hi All,

So today at work I had this small dispute with my boss over some work related email and whether it was "co-herent" to the recipients. It was close to borderline yelling.

I do database work, in computers and sometimes I just assume that people understand what I'm conveying because its their job. My boss sometimes needs refreshed on the process. However, my boss wasn't understanding at all and it felt like I was getting nowhere with my explanation.

I deal with SAD, OCD, GAD and HA on a daily basis and have gotten those all down to manageable levels however, today it seems that its all flaring up as the result of this lame dispute.

Anyway my face was going flush, voice going timid and heart racing. I finally get my point across and its done with. However I feel like I can't come down no matter what I do to calm down. My health anxiety is flaring, OCD intrusive thoughts are racing and I just feel really anxious.

Anyhow, I just needed to talk this through and write this down.

The funny thing is that I am transferring to a less stressful job on Monday and 4 days seems like 4 years.

Thanks for listening

26-04-16, 21:41

I get like this at work it is hard when people don't understand you when they should, my way of dealing with it is to say 'sorry I am not making myself clear' and repeat it.

Keep telling yourself new job on Monday, good luck with the new job

26-04-16, 22:18

Yes I probably should've composed myself, but its like I dealt with this and sucked it up for years. Now that I'm leaving I feel like I shouldn't have to suck it up but rather hold my own. Probably a bad idea but its things like this that cause me to hold all this in and then later on my anxiety peaks.

I don't want to attribute all my anxiety to this job but a great amount is because of it.

Yeah I keep telling myself that, monday, monday, 3 more days cmon please.

I just worry that something crazy will happen and it'll be sucha horrible week with this happening and its only tuesday.