View Full Version : Help for boyfriend

26-04-16, 20:34
Sorry if this is the wrong thread to post this in- I'm not quite sure where to put it.

This forum has helped me a lot in the past, so I'm hoping someone could give me some advice for my boyfriend.

My boyfriend has never officially been diagnosed with any condition however I really think he has some kind of anxiety/ocd.

Let me start this by saying he has no signs of baldness whatsoever. I check every day for this and seriously, there is nothing. He has a thick head of hair all over.

Since he was 18 (31 now) he has been thinking he is going bald. He has told me how in the past he used to get upset about this and worry about it. I have been with him for over 4 years now and this seems to be getting worse and worse. He will spend hours in the bathroom checking his hair the majority of nights. I'm really worried that this is destroying life for him, he avoids doing things I think he would enjoy, like swimming.

I have tried to convince him but it isn't helping at all and has led to arguments. As we live in Barcelona its pretty hard for us to get help for him, we are also pretty tight for money so can't afford any private counselling.

If anyone has any advice it really would be greatly appreciated.