View Full Version : Terrified.

26-04-16, 22:24
Hi guys. So I'm here looking for some support/help/guidance. I've been on Mirtazapine (30mg) for 4 months now (slight depression + anxiety) - the first couple of months were fine. From the middle of March I've had the following symptoms pretty much non-stop every single day, so for around 2 months now. I also take Omeprazole.

-Body twitching (eyelid and base of thumb are the main areas - although I've had some leg twitching. The eyelid twitching has literally been every single day for the past 2 months)

-A feeling of pins and needles (pretty much non-stop, although it sometimes feels worse later on during the day) in my feet and hands.

-When I blink from my left eye, I sometimes see a bright spot. It's like I've looked directly into a light and turned away quickly - and I see the imprint. This comes and goes.

Naturally I've google'd and I've diagnosed myself with MS. I'm seeing my GP in a couple of weeks and I'm terrified that she'll send me for a scan - just the thought of going for a scan scares the hell out of me. My health anxiety is brutal right now.

Have any of you suffered similiar symptoms? Could it be the Mirtazapine which is causing all of this?

Any help/advice/guidance would be highly appreciated :)

27-04-16, 02:37
I think your med or your anxiety could be causing some of your symptoms such as the pins and needles and twitches. I've been having a new big twitch under my right eye for a few weeks and it's so annoying! As for your eye, do you get migraines or headaches? I was having some visual distribances a few months ago accompanied by bad headaches and u realized now that it's a pre-migraine sign. I've noticed it now and made the connection when my HA calmed down about the headaches.

27-04-16, 14:12
I think your med or your anxiety could be causing some of your symptoms such as the pins and needles and twitches. I've been having a new big twitch under my right eye for a few weeks and it's so annoying! As for your eye, do you get migraines or headaches? I was having some visual distribances a few months ago accompanied by bad headaches and u realized now that it's a pre-migraine sign. I've noticed it now and made the connection when my HA calmed down about the headaches.

Nope, no migraines or headaches which is why I'm freaking out about the blind spot I keep seeing :(

I hope it's a mixture of my meds + anxiety which is causing my symptoms. The thought of it being anything more sinister is just making me a nervous wreck at the moment.

Thank you for replying :)

27-04-16, 14:25
Well having tried both mitrazapine and omeprazole and having to give up on them due to side effects I personally feel your symptoms are coming from your drugs with anxiety added.

On mitrazapine I had severe acid reflux and intense twitching and prickling of my legs worse at night. I also put on alot of weight despite eating less due to the acid reflux. I had to stop them after a short time.

I have takne zantac ( ranitidine) for acid reflux for over 20 years and they worked well but they are expensive for the Dr compared to omeprazole so I was asked to try them instead. Again after 3 attempts plus trying both oter ppi drugs I had to give up and go back onto ranitidine due to side effects.
They gave me constant low grade headache and zomby head feeling. I was intensely hungry every couple of hours no matter how much i ate and I also had bad bowel upsets with them ( wind. bloating. pain).

This is why I think your symptoms could be drug related.

Your eye thing is not a red flag symptom for any eye condition and is quite common. It usually happens if you stare for a short time - does this sound right?

01-05-16, 00:06
Well having tried both mitrazapine and omeprazole and having to give up on them due to side effects I personally feel your symptoms are coming from your drugs with anxiety added.

On mitrazapine I had severe acid reflux and intense twitching and prickling of my legs worse at night. I also put on alot of weight despite eating less due to the acid reflux. I had to stop them after a short time.

I have takne zantac ( ranitidine) for acid reflux for over 20 years and they worked well but they are expensive for the Dr compared to omeprazole so I was asked to try them instead. Again after 3 attempts plus trying both oter ppi drugs I had to give up and go back onto ranitidine due to side effects.
They gave me constant low grade headache and zomby head feeling. I was intensely hungry every couple of hours no matter how much i ate and I also had bad bowel upsets with them ( wind. bloating. pain).

This is why I think your symptoms could be drug related.

Your eye thing is not a red flag symptom for any eye condition and is quite common. It usually happens if you stare for a short time - does this sound right?

The pins + needles feeling is starting to travel up my left leg now. I'm so scared. I'm thinking about just quitting Mirt and going cold turkey, just to see if these horrible symptoms go away.

So, so scared :(

01-05-16, 12:22
Never a good idea to stop taking these meds suddenly. It is more than likely the drug is giving you side effects. Go back to your Dr and discuss slowly stopping the mitrazapine over a few weeks and then see once you have been off it for a few weeks totally if the tingling stops. the trouble is anxiety can cause this symptom as well but at least if you stop the drugs as you should you will know its not the drugs if it continues.

If you stop suddenly believe me the withdrawal effects will just add a whole new host of symptoms for your to worry about.