View Full Version : Fighting talk, for real, maybe.

26-04-16, 23:49
So I may be moving countries in a year with my chap and wow, big news right. But my first thought was 'what if something happens before then?' 'What if I do have melanoma'

I hate myself for it.

I wish I could punch my pretty little face sometimes.

He just took my hand and said please stop as I asked him to look at a soft bump on my scalp my mother also has. But still I asked.

CBT referral out back in via a nurse this time so hoping i get through.

27-04-16, 10:26
Know your rights if you are under NHS England, Reb:


You can choose the provider for the treatment, but not the treatment. So, if you have a couple of IAPT providers in your region, if you can get to any of them, you don't have to deal only with the most local one anymore.

Doctors are supposed to tell us this, but they don't. Like a lot of things the NHS say they should be telling us about our treatment options, which they either don't have time for, don't bother, don't want to add complication to a person struggling or just don't even know the policies themselves.

I think it was Hypo that mentioned writing things down before allowing the compulsion to take over? On one of those links I gave you, you will see something called a Thought Record. That's a CBT technique aimed at your challenging the thought to reframe a new conclusion about it. It can help. It can help just getting something on paper and spending time on it rather than thinking about it as thoughts tend to reach the conclusion and just start off at the beginning again with anxiety until you learn to deal with them.

27-04-16, 11:42
Know your rights if you are under NHS England, Reb:


You can choose the provider for the treatment, but not the treatment. So, if you have a couple of IAPT providers in your region, if you can get to any of them, you don't have to deal only with the most local one anymore.

Doctors are supposed to tell us this, but they don't. Like a lot of things the NHS say they should be telling us about our treatment options, which they either don't have time for, don't bother, don't want to add complication to a person struggling or just don't even know the policies themselves.

I think it was Hypo that mentioned writing things down before allowing the compulsion to take over? On one of those links I gave you, you will see something called a Thought Record. That's a CBT technique aimed at your challenging the thought to reframe a new conclusion about it. It can help. It can help just getting something on paper and spending time on it rather than thinking about it as thoughts tend to reach the conclusion and just start off at the beginning again with anxiety until you learn to deal with them..

In relation to my CBT and referral you mean?


27-04-16, 11:51
Yep. They brought that policy in a while back. It's ok if you have multiple providers you can get too if you are close to other catchment areas since a CCG normally just uses one. In my city there are 2 because the clinical governing has always been set up as North and South. A lot of people live near the dividing line so could easily get to either so if the zone had a shorter waiting for time, under this new policy we could go their instead.

It just in case it helps speed it up. It may not be practically possible.

27-04-16, 20:08
I've been doing good today. I even looked at said freckle of the moment and was like pah, just a freckle.

Then I showered and checked body and freckles and moles. And then feel awful for doing it. I'm still in two minds to go to the derm appointment i am worrying something will be up.

27-04-16, 20:45
Why only "maybe" as regards "fighting talk"? Make this thread a positive one and not another one which is solely centred around your symptoms?

I doubt whether the most eminent dermatologist in the country could give you "peace of mind" unless you try to make a start on putting the work in to address your HA.. There is a lot of excellent advice on here.