View Full Version : Desperate: Please read: Urine test: Bilirubin, blood, protein present

27-04-16, 02:24

I've been slowly getting 'better', or at least less anxious. This weekend I've decided to try to suspend some of my fears. I had an appointment for my hemmorhoids on Monday morning, and to go over my most recent blood work from 3 weeks ago (the ones that came back mostly insignificant to them, there were some numbers outside the normal range, but the doctor and PA did not see these as anything to be alarming--but I wanted to go over the results with her). I also wanted to get test for UTI, because my period was causing me extra urge to urinate and to do so quickly, and I experienced the same last week with my water increase. I took at home one that said no UTI, but since it was purple, with trace elevations, it suggested to take another one. So I figured that would be easy at doctor's.

So this weekend I decided to live a little more freely, fake it to you make it. I made plans for the spring. I ate more than I have been and decided to just work through the fearful feelings. I did yard work and zumba, both which caused some nagging pains to increase. I ate, I drank wine, I felt better. I even took 2 acetaminophen tablets for a period headache. I went for walks. I worked through a lower ab pain/pressure and decided it was from my working and from my period (ovarian cancer crossed my mind, but I worked through it).

So, yesterday morning I had a morning pee. I showered and used a tampon to not contaminate the urine test. I didn't allow myself enough time to eat breakfast. I may have had a glass of water, not sure. I sip two sips of my coffee from my travel mug, it was too hot to drink. When I took the test, I tried to make it a clean test. I didn't have to pee and forced out a small amount. It was quite yellow (more so than usual). I check my pee a lot due to all my recent fears.

She checked my hems, and said they seem fine. Check my belly, all my complaint areas and general. Said it felt fine. Not really painful, even though during dinner Sunday, and throughout the night I had some pain/discomfort. But I've been super focused on this area, so I know that's partly why. She touched over my kidneys. No pain.

UTI test came back negative. She is sending for culture to make sure.

We went over blood work. She said that the liver and pancreas blood test seem to show all was working as should be. As were kidneys. She said some of the numbers were not perfect, due to my recent period (had it the prior week before blood test, so she said there showed some slight anemia from a slightly lower hemoglobin), and that the BUN was slightly lower probably due to the recent (then) diarrhea. And then she said the albumin was slightly higher probably due to dehydration from the diarrhea (I didn't have diarrhea at the time of the bloodtest, but just gotten over it 1-2 days prior and I wasn't eating and drinking normally out of fear of D). She suggested to take a multi with iron.

I had a great day yesterday compared to my recent days. When I got anxious I worked through it, I ate well, slept great. Felt a ton better (not normal but better) than I had in weeks. I wasn't even bugged out by my occasionally diarrhea I get during period.

This morning, we had a lot of things planned, so I took a preemptive Imodium. I haven't done that in forever, but just in case. I wanted to enjoy my day with family. Late morning, I received the email from the doctor's office. They send you your results. Since she said no UTI, I was calm and opened the results.

All things were negative or within normal range, except following:

Bilirubin small (+) (normal is negative)

Protein 30 (normal is negative)

Specific gravity normal range 1.005; 1.010; 1.015; 1.020; 1.025
Mine 1.030

Blood Moderate (++) (normal is negative)

If I had liver issues, or even kidney, wouldn't my blood work from just three weeks ago show this?? She went over the test with me and said everything indicates that I am healthy.

WTF is going on. I wish I never took the test. I don't know why I ever even went to go the doctors for diarrhea anyway, 3 weeks ago. Ignorance is bliss. I am tired of taking all these things as signs, or intuition.

I don't abuse alcohol, I don't take drugs. I do take tylenol on occasion (I can't take any other pain med due to allergies), but I've had two normal complete blood test within the past 7 1/2 months.

I called the nurse on call and she said that no, the results don't look normal, but to not assume anything until cultures come in. That is not helpful.

Would my period cause any problems with my urine test? I know pregnancy messes with urine bilirubin. Nothing seems benign for small amount of bilirubin.

I'm 41 (almost 42) and "healthy" so they say.

I'm so afraid I won't see my kids grow up, or have a life with my husband and my future grandkids.

Today was a good morning. I was hoping to make the most of today, as it marks 6 years since my husband cheated on me and got an STI, and we had a long recovery.

Has anyone had weird urine test and be okay??