View Full Version : Brain Tumor

27-04-16, 05:07
Hey I'm 22 years old and since I've had an eye issue in November things have been happening, I can now see lots of floaters in my vision and for the past week my arms and legs feel like they aren't there sometimes I have complete feeling but to me it feels they are super light. Now I'm in panic thinking I have a brain Tumor I can't even focus on my schooling because of this. Today was the worst I was in class my legs felt so super and then my arms did at the same time and I was having hot flashes. I have no idea what is happening any help please

27-04-16, 05:29

I'm young just like you and I've been through the exact same sensations. I also have floaters but my eye doctor told me that it is 100% normal. Have you gotten your eyes checked?

When I'm really stressed I get the same sensation in my limbs. At times I get this jump and burst of anxiety because for a split second it feels like my arm isn't there or they feel lighter than usual. Are you doing finals right now?

That's can definitely make anxiety worse and create more symptoms.

27-04-16, 05:34
I have not been to a eye doctor yet, the floaters happened in both eyes one day all of sudden I notice them, and I'm just starting school again not finals yet but I am studying lots and trying to remember old things, the limbs thing really freaks me out. It's still happening as I type this since now probably 9 hours and can't stop thinking about it

27-04-16, 12:40
Floaters can happen suddenly. I would go to the eye doctor not because it is a sign of something bad but because it will help put your nerves at rest.

Look at it this way, you stated it has been around 9 hours since the limb thing started happening. If it were related to something serious it would have gotten worse or another symptom would have arised.

27-04-16, 14:33
The limb sensation is common in anxiety either from dissasociaton or because you are slightly over breathing which produces this sensation.
Are you breathing shallow or a little fast?

Def get an eye test just so you can be 100% reassured that yoru floaters were just a variation on normal eyes.

27-04-16, 15:00
I do not feel like I'm breathing any different then I usually do. Are floaters a sign of brain tumours

27-04-16, 15:04
Do you notice occasional flashes of light? I have the exact same symptoms but with occasional flashes of light. I've had an MRI in the past which was all clear.

27-04-16, 16:01
Ok... not sure if this will help but let's be logical here.

You've been worried about a brain tumor since July of 2015 when you first posted about this "fear". I say "fear" because that's what it is. It's not a tumor or any other sinister thing. It's anxiety playing with your mind and you're falling for it hook, line and sinker.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor stop once it starts. If indeed something was sinister, you would be very ill or no longer with us. So logically, you don't have a brain tumor.

You do however have health anxiety which is a very treatable condition. Perhaps it's time to treat the real illness?

Positive thoughts

27-04-16, 16:25
No I have not developed flashes of lights just floaters and the odd double vision but I think this is because My eyes have a lot of liquid.

And my symptoms have became worst.. Started with eyes then floaters now my body feeling light, like parts aren't there, the odd tingle here and there, so they have been picking up gradually especially the past two weeks.

27-04-16, 17:09
youd be dead by now. you dont have a tumor. i had 20/20 vision till I was 19, then my vision went to crap. floaters, halos, lightning bolts, etc

if you had limb weakness from a tumor, you would barely be able to lift your arm. plus, weakness only happens on one side normally.

27-04-16, 17:40
Do you rub your eyes alot? Sit infront of a computer alot? How about glasses do you wear glasses?

Really eye floaters are about as bad as skin wrinkles, the more you age the more prevalent they become and even then they arent a sign for concern neither are they anything but just a simple observation.

Eye floaters are not really indicative of brain tumors either. Neither is loss of limb feeling even if thats what it really is. Brain tumors tend to manifest as extreme loss of balance, intense headaches and loss of personality that is a drastic difference and is easily noticed by others.

Not to mention at your age its very very very rare.

I'd get help for your anxiety.

27-04-16, 17:46
My limbs aren't weak, they just feel to me as they are not there. I have all sensations and strength they just feel as if the are phantom not there until I touch them or rub against something

27-04-16, 17:48
That just sounds like disassociation. Very common with anxiety.

Brain tumor patients have trouble standing, walking, fall over easy, complain of headaches, great pressure and great confusion, they don't even know what they're doing sometimes.

Trust me you don't have a brain tumor, I'd be willing to bet 100%

Health Anxiety yes, but from what you describe definitely not a brain tumor

27-04-16, 20:10
I'm having these issues as we speak, very concerning

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 18:56 ----------

Would something like Xanax be something to consider, because I can not even focus in class because of fear that I'm dying these physical symptoms will not let up at all

27-04-16, 21:57
Xanax is great, but its not something you wanna take all the time, cause its very addicting and you eventually need a higher and higher dose.

I'd suggest therapy, to be honest. You don't have a brain tumor, dude. You don't even have ONE major symptom of a brain tumor (bad headaches, nausea/vomiting, seizures, coordination/weakness issues, numbness on one side, etc)

Floaters are very common, and so is feeling weird in the limbs when you have anxiety.

28-04-16, 05:20
My floaters happened suddenly one day I see lots of squiggles, it raises my anxiety because I see them everyminute, also the Xanax would be better then the 24/7 physical symptoms this anxiety is giving me, all day again with this limb thing

---------- Post added at 04:20 ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 ----------

Legs feel so light it freaks me out

28-04-16, 15:54
Xanax only treats the symptoms of anxiety short term, not the long term cause. Its best to try therapy and ask a psychiatrist if medications are necessary.

No doctor I know of will prescribe xanax long-term, maybe a month max and at a low dose.

Not to mention, if you fear a brain tumor, why not ask for a CT scan while you're at it? Then leave it at that after the results come back negative, which I'm going to tell ya, they definitely will.

28-04-16, 19:38
Doctors won't just give you a ct scan, just because you say you have some symptoms though ? Will they

28-04-16, 22:20
Depends on the doctor, some will go that with a scan to rule anything out.

I would say you could get referred to a neurologist but you're not complaining of any physical head pain like pressure or headaches. Or am I mistaken?

In any case, a doctors visit would be the first place to start. They can do all kinds of tests to see if its nerve related or if its really, just anxiety, which I am almost positive it is.

I wouldn't try and get a quick fix for the anxiety by using highly addictive drugs like benzos as thats what happens when we use those, the chance for addiction in already anxiety sufferers, especially young, is VERY high.

Get help for the anxiety and see a doctor if necessary.

29-04-16, 02:37
Yeah I have no headaches, all my symptoms have to do with eyes and this weird feeling in my legs, when I search up symptoms it seems to be numbness and tingling which I don't have, I just have a feeling like my legs are very light.

I also have anxiety of going to doctors because I'm scared of worst outcome, that's another issue for me.

29-04-16, 02:46
Yeah I have no headaches, all my symptoms have to do with eyes and this weird feeling in my legs, when I search up symptoms it seems to be numbness and tingling which I don't have, I just have a feeling like my legs are very light.

I also have anxiety of going to doctors because I'm scared of worst outcome, that's another issue for me.

Here's a very safe suggestion. Print out your threads, make an appointment with your doctor and have him/her read them prior to your examination. That would be the most non-threatening way to address your concerns. See what they say then.

Positive thoughts

29-04-16, 03:35
Is that to show him my worries, or my anxiety symptoms, I'm writing my final tomorrow so I'm going to see if I'm really high stress and if this doesn't stop by Monday I'll be going to eye doctors and doctors. Hoping for the best, I know cancer is rare in people my age but it still concerns me a lot that I have it

29-04-16, 04:04
Is that to show him my worries, or my anxiety symptoms

BAM.... got ya ;) Those are one in the same and the fact you just wrote that is admitting you know the real deal (anxiety.. NOT BT!)and all the reassurance you need.

Good luck on your finals. Let us know how you do :)

Positive thoughts

29-04-16, 05:48
I like to think it's anxiety so I can try to calm myself down, can stress and anxiety cause you symptoms from minute you wake up to minute you go to sleep.

I try and tell my self it is anxiety and breathe deep but I don't know how anxiety works I see some people have panic attacks but not every second like me it's all I think about the symptoms rarely subside.