View Full Version : Lymph nodes again!

27-04-16, 09:53
Hi All

Although trying to stay rational, I'm freaking out a bit over lymph nodes and hope someone can help bring me down off the ceiling. :weep:

Since I've coming off my antidepressants, my general OCD and body checking has gone a bit off the scale. About 2 months ago I found what I thought was a lymph node in my groin area, it can be felt more prominently at certain angles but when I went to the docs, he couldn't feel a thing and said that he didn't think it was anything to worry about and said if it gets bigger then he'd send me for some tests. It did put my mind at rest as it certainly has stayed the same size and I'm wondering if in my body exploring state I'm finding things that have been there all the time. However, a couple of months on I am freaking out again.

To add to this, I noticed a painless bump (I wouldn't even call it a lump) in front of my ear on my cheek and having googled (I know - rubbish idea, right?!) I'm now thinking salivary gland stone or cancer! Again, it could have always been there and maybe I'm just looking for things. I've had a couple of people feel it and one of them actually laughed at me and the other one said 'oh that's nothing, it's tiny'. I had a really sore throat recently but my understanding is that glands will come up more so on the throat and under the chin rather than anywhere else.

I had mumps about 18 months ago and blew up like a puffer fish so wonder if this bump is the hangover from that.

A friend of mine has recently been diagnosed with lymphoma stage 4 and said that she had a huge mass on her neck as a symptom. I guess news like this doesn't help my general health anxiety!

I'm going on holiday in a week and could do with the sense knocking into me a bit so massive thanks in advance. xx

27-04-16, 11:42
There is a difference between mass in cheek and mass in the neck..

Also, a " huge mass " would be palpable by a doctor, the one in your groin is probably nothing to worry about

27-04-16, 12:27
I have what the docs call a shotty set of nodes in my groin, they have been there ageS!

Perfectly normal and harmless.

Try and relax but if you notice it getting bigger or worse be sure to see another doctor :)

27-04-16, 12:48
How come you came off the meds? From what you imply, they appeared to be helping.

Positive thoughts

27-04-16, 14:19
Thanks all - I really appreciate you taking the time to read and reply. Even reading these comments has made me feel better already.

I know it's 'ok' to have what appears to be glands come up and stay up for a long time if not forever. For example, I've had a lymph node on the back of my neck since my early 20s (I'm now 36) and various docs have dismissed them.

I came off the meds because I'd been on them for a quite some time and try to gradually tame the dependancy. Had some awful 'brain zaps' after that which lasted a good few months. I need to go back on them I think as I'm becoming a little bonkers/ocd again:ohmy:
