View Full Version : sleepy. sudden

09-03-07, 07:56
has anybody just felt sudden sleepy, so terribly sleepy, drowsy suddenly out of sudden, and then i felt so funny, so sleepy butnot tired, just goggy. why? i am working in office. sometimes i felt dizzy.

10-03-07, 17:34
I sometimes feel sleepy so get some fresh air to wake me up - that helps.

15-03-07, 22:32
Sometimes i have this out of the blue.I have had it all my life its like a sudden urge to just lay down and go to sleep and there is nothing u can do about it.I think its just all the stress and feelings u have had all day bottled up and your body just goes hey its time to take a nap.Believe me i know how you feel I have posted this one on here before and well im still alive so maybe you will be ok too.I think its something chemical that just kicks in and says ok thats enough.Sometimes if you lay down and take a quick nap it will go away but other times i have laid down closed my eyes and couldnt sleep but after a few minutes it goes away and im back to normal...hope this helps a little