View Full Version : I Feel Crazy... What Do You Hate Most About Health Anxiety?

27-04-16, 13:48
The thing I hate most, besides always feeling afraid, is the fact that I always seem to slip backwards, even after seeing a doctor. I wouldn't say that I don't believe when they tell me I am ok or they aren't concerned about whatever issue it is that I am there for... I just often find myself worried about whatever it is that I already got reassurance for. And that really makes me mad!

Case in point - I just saw my dermatologist two weeks ago today for a full body check. There is a mole on my arm that I don't like and I asked him to look at it - twice. And he uses a dermascope, the survival tool that magnifies something 20x. He gave me the all clear. Yesterday I found myself looking at the mole and still not liking the small brown spot that is in it.... Who knows if it's been there forever. Then I started looking at one on my chest. I was stretching the skin out and sure enough I noticed the tiniest brownish speck that I've never seen before... But I've never "looked" that hard, either! Deep down I know I'm being pretty irrational, since I just saw the dermatologist 2 WEEKS AGO. Like, why do I torment myself?!

I. Hate. Health. Anxiety.

Going to CBT this afternoon for the first time in a month... Here's hoping for some progress and relief.

What do you hate the most about this horrible condition? Sometimes I feel like it's (almost) worse than a lot of our fears....

Captain irrational
27-04-16, 18:24
I get terrified that I might have a fatal illness that will cut my life short, but paradoxically, that fear sucks away all my motivation and will to live my life. That is what I hate most about HA.

27-04-16, 22:18
Freaking out about everything

Scared to go out, afraid that something will happen while out in public

Afraid that it might really be something serious......i honestly don't know if I could truly handle news like that

28-04-16, 00:18
That you are constantly suffering, looking death in the face, day after day, even though you really aren't. We are living like we are already dying, and its very unfortunate, cause we aren't really LIVING.

28-04-16, 00:22
That you are constantly suffering, looking death in the face, day after day, even though you really aren't. We are living like we are already dying, and its very unfortunate, cause we aren't really LIVING.

Probably the most accurate description of HA I know of. I've said so much many times....

Positive thoughts

28-04-16, 00:56
Thank you all for the responses. I'm finding that reading your descriptions of the things that you hate most about this horrible condition, is actually helping me examine the reasons that we should be fighting against it!!! I want to LIVE! Not half live, because I'm so preoccupied with fears of things that, in all actuality, will most likely never happen!! And even if one does, well unfortunately that's reality on this earth. So I really don't want to waste any more sacred time or precious energy living in a constant state of fear. Easier said than done, but one of the reasons I made this post; to hear from others and take a few minutes to focus against health anxiety, not with it or for it.

Thanks again.

Health and Peace to Us All!!! xx