View Full Version : Completely freaking out please help

27-04-16, 14:14
I can't do this anymore im completely freaking out now . Im having what I can only describe as like someone stabbing needles into my chest. Im scared beyond worrds at moment. I was only in hospital Monday with chest pains and had tests done and all normal but what is happening now is really scaring me and I don't know if it just anxiety or actual heart issues. Please help me

27-04-16, 14:19
Sharp stabbing pains are not usually heart pains. Heart pains are almost always a crushing tightening pain that radiates into jaw/arm etc.

I have had stabbing chest pains on and off for past 15 years. I am still here!
The pain for me is short sharp stabbing pains always on one side of the other of my chest at top end of boob level. The pain I is actually coming from muscle spasms of the muscles between my ribs. I now actually know what activities will set this off.

Obviously like you I was freaked when I first got it and had quite a few Dr visits and even blood tests to rule out it being heart related but time and experience made me realise that its purely due to musculo/skeletal issues.

Most chest pain is not heart related and due to muscles.

Hope this reassures you.