View Full Version : Anxiety is taking over my life!

27-04-16, 15:18
Hello, I have to speak about my problems, maybe I'm looking for a little bit of comforting... I'm an anxiety sufferer for 2 years now, but it worsen a lot the last months, it's really taking over my life. In 2014 i've been on paxil for something like 1 month I stoped when I felt better (I don't really like drugs but now it's my only one weapon against anxiety, I can't manage it myself anymore) Now I just take xanax (0.25) when I feel too bad, and it's working quite good, but as I said I try to stay away of benzos.

Here's my symptoms list :

Feeling tired/exhausted everyday with heavy head sensation.
Tired eyes,sensitive to light, floaters, light visual snow and focusing problems (I lost focus very often and can't really concentrate)
Constant anxiety with weird fears and thoughts, constantly thinking about myself or my health.
Tinnitus, not a very strong one but my two ears are affected, when very anxious I can notive another low sound in the middle of my head. I am also very sensitive to noises.
Diarrhea/ loose stools and knotted stomach.
Weight loss.
Sometimes shivers waves and cold sensations. (frozen and sweaty hands/feet)
Feeling depressed, I mosly lost interest about everything I used to love before.
Heart Rate increase with anxiety.
Frequent yawning during the day.
frequent urination
bad memory

Sometimes I have extreme nose pressure (like if someone was pressing on my nose (I can even reproduce the feeling when pressing myself on my nose! :ohmy:)

Derealization when I'm very anxious.

I also have bfs (benign fasciculation syndrome) my muscles are twitching very often, and all over my body (even the tip of my tongue and...anus once! :ohmy:)

Grinding sound in my neck, especially when I'm laying on my bed, head on pillow. The smallest movement of neck is producting sandlike sound.

Crackling jaw and sore teeth/jaw. (Bruxism at night?)

I have a lot of trouble to sleep or stay asleep, I woke up very often, sometimes with an intense fear/panic sensation. I have restless sleep and mornings are very difficult, I feel like a zombie.

Seriously, I'm 23 and I feel like I'm 75... Ok anxiety is responsible for a lot of weird sensations/discomfort, but what caused this ? I feel so bad that I'm thinking about lyme disease or things like that. Good thing is that I never had suicidal ideas. All started with my first panick attack in june 2014.

My two sisters and mother experienced panick attacks/depression, so I guess there's something genetic.

I feel bad, sometimes really bad, but the only moment in the day I feel better is ALWAYS in the evening.

Oh, another nice gift of mother nature, I have a lot of psoriasis. :yahoo:

I stay at home 24/7, I'm going outside when I feel better or for certain reasons (I have to help my sister friday, hope i'll be fine)

I stay optimistic when I feel better. I should go back to paxil, I remember that the sleep and mood was improved (and I just took it for 1 month).

Anyway thank you for reading me,if you experienced the same things, I'll be glad to know that I'm not alone! Sorry for the mistakes I am French and don't write in english often. :)

I hope you guys are doing well. :flowers:

27-04-16, 16:46
Some of the things you listed are just Normal human issues. Anxiety just makes you focus on them more. Try going to be earlier. Maybe your not getting enough sleep. Or on the other hand too much sleep will make you tired. The nose and ear symptoms sounds more like allergies or a cold. I'm having ear and sinus pressure right now because of my allergies. Try a light workout a few times a week and see if that helps you feel better. If not I suggest a trip to your dr. Best wishes!