View Full Version : Stomach and bowel issues

27-04-16, 21:26
Hey guys
So I haven't posted for a while because I'm trying to deal with all this in my own way but it's kinda getting on top of me at the moment and just want some people to talk with/to me and see if they can relate or give me any advice.
I keep having these issues where I'm either constipated or have diarrea (sorry tmi) and I'm constantly checking for any blood as I get that cramping feeling when I try to go or when I have gone so this in itself is making me believe I have some sort of cancer and the longer I leave this the quicker the cancer will be spread and I won't make it.
I've actually talked myself through the process of getting bad results back and waiting in a room to be told my outcome and what the next step is. I'd give anything to have a different mind set and to swap my day with someone else just to feel normal again. I literally feel lethargic everyday and groggy, surely this isn't right?

I'm scares and feel a little alone so pls if anyone can relate or just walk with me, pls reply.

28-04-16, 09:21
Sounds like a clear view of anxiety takin over to me. The fact you have the story all played out in your head and have gone as far as to imagine getting the worste result possible.

Have you had anxiety for long ?
Recently started any medication ?

The stomach issue affect me so much when I'm anxious. I have just got over an eight week spell of the runs which wasn't pleasant.

The top two things people bust te docture for according to my group theropy are
1st anxiety and depression
2nd stomach problems. (IMO mostly linked to the first)

Hope you feel more relaxed.

PS - I feel tired everyday with my anxiety / stress. So don't let that worry you to much.

Ring the docture and make an appointment. I'm sure you will be fine. Your posting on an anxiety forum so I'm guessing it's not the first time you have thought something is wrong ?