View Full Version : I think I have Oesophagus/throat cancer.

28-04-16, 03:16
Iv had a painful throat for 2 months now, tonight I have awful chest ache (but I never get acid/indegestion) I sometimes get ear pain deep inside on & off also, I'm fearing the worst. I have a huge phobia of vomiting & endoscopies so will not have one done. My friend who is a nurse says as a 31 female it would be so rare & unusual for me to have this cancer. Pain is all down my throat, no big glands, just pains. Looked it all up (yes I'm stupid) and it says you can be anaemic with this type of cancer, now I'm not anaemic in the normal red blood cells in my body but I have no iron stores left hardly. (but my periods are heavy so doctor said probably from that). Doctor says nothing wrong but I'm exhausted and all the symptoms I said above it does point to this cancer..... I'm so sad, low & depressed. I'm on waiting list for help. Can anyone help? :weep: xx

28-04-16, 03:41
Can anyone help? :weep: xx

Depends... you have two choices IMO.

1. Believe what the medical professionals and scientific tests say or....

2. Go to an ENT experienced in head and neck cancers for paid reassurance.

Let us know what you decide and how you make out.

Positive thoughts

28-04-16, 09:02
Anyone else can help? Have you had similar? Please.

28-04-16, 16:29
I had the fear of esophageal cancer once. I remember I had trouble swallowing and it was so painful but it turned out to just be an infection that cleared up eventually. That was probably 2 years ago I believe.

If you truly fear having any esophageal problems the upper endo is a quick procedure and they can put you to sleep when they do it.

This way you can have your peace of mind,

The anemic part with this cancer is usually late stage, meaning that the esophagus is slowly bleeding and will therefore be reflected in dark stools and coughing up blood. Since you're not experiencing that then its obvious that this is not the case.

Are you a smoker? Anything that causes you to fear this type of illness? Having a sore throat for this long isn't uncommon really, depending on the type of temperate zone you live in and the season. I know many whom I work with that are dealing with all types of ENT related problems lasting months now.

I'd be willing to bet that its just allergies and can be changed with either diet or medication.

28-04-16, 16:40
My 68yr old friend has barratts oesphagus from a lifetime of severe acid reflux. She does not have cancer but her symptoms were scary - she could not swallow meat without it getting stuck and she had a constant cough and sore throat. She refused to see a Dr for over 30 years! Only when she started vomiting blood did she relent and the scope showed barratts.

So even though she had really bad symptoms that would have scared someone without health anxiety in actual fact she hasn't got cancer.

As fishmanpa says you really only have 2 choices. Accept or go for tests but unless your GP agrees you would have to pay yourself.

As for the low iron stores - I have had this all my life but my blood count is at the top end of normal. I was told this is very normal for women and means nothing. I have never ever been amaemic but always have borderline low iron stores its just normal for me.

28-04-16, 21:36
Hey love. When I was recovering from my nervous breakdown I had such pain in my muscles in diffent places. I remember that one of the worst places was my throat. I could not believe it was just muscle tension so went to ent consultant and had camera up nose / down throat (that was a real treat!!) and actually I was fine. The more into my recovery that I got the less intense my aches and pains got.
When my anxiety is high my throat is still the first thing to go - feel like someone got their hand round my throat, but I know what it is now, and with meditation and giving myself a good talking yo I get past it in a few days. Also if my anx bad I might grind teeth or clench jaw at night and this also results in pain in next, jaw, chest.
Be calmer about it, try to relax and symptoms may subside, if not an ent could scan your throat couldn't they? I am sure you are going to be OK. Sending love xx

29-04-16, 01:06
Hi, no I do not smoke (except silly social one rarely if a lot to drink) but in the past (as in tennis and twenties, I'm now 31) I drunk a lot of different spirits, my family are huge whisky drinkers and I don't get drunk off it so quite normal to have 3 doubles in one evening, most evenings. This is what I am afraid of that has caused it, my own stupidity & liking of whisky basically. Have always had these anxieties, but last 2 days the chest pain has been so awful, pain in to my shoulder, shooting pains in my one ear and a persistent bad throat (shooting pains in the back of my throat) yes it sounds like indigestion but also very much feels like Oesophagus cancer or throat cancer. My doctor today said she would literally fall over if I had this because it would be unheard of in the medical world for someone my age to have it. I still feel that she's wrong though ��

29-04-16, 02:32
My doctor today said she would literally fall over if I had this because it would be unheard of in the medical world for someone my age to have it. I still feel that she's wrong though ��

A medical professional said she would "literally fall over" and it would be "unheard of in the medical world" if you had cancer. Sounds somewhat similar to what I've been saying ;) So, that still leaves you in the same place. No one here other than myself who can share first hand experience can be more qualified to tell you anything more reassuring than your doctor and the scientific medical tests have shown.

If at this point you still cannot believe it, you should go privately to an ENT that's experienced in head and neck cancer for some rather pricey reassurance. If that doesn't satisfy you, please consider professional psychological help to enable you to overcome your irrational thinking patterns. Treating your anxiety will also treat the physical symptoms associated with it.

Jade, we've spoken privately. I reassured you based on my experience. Fellow anxiety sufferers affirm my statements and opinion. Nothing you describe presents as cancer. N.o.t.h.i.n.g. The ball is in your court :shrug:

Good luck and as always

Positive thoughts