View Full Version : Piercing and sepsis??

28-04-16, 03:50
Okay so I've had my navel pierced for 4 years and it's always been somewhat mildly irritated. I've never taken really good care of it and that's completely my fault. Anyways, I've already dealt with the green/yellow discharge sometimes and pain. Nothing that I've noted that as been really bad at, the discharge has probably been the worst honestly and that only lasted for a few days. I've recently been looking for ways to heal on various websites and now I'm treating my piercing but I came across a site that said if you ignore an infection then you could end up with sepsis which goes into your bloodstream and have the potential to die. I've been diagnosed with Vaginitis lately and been giving 500mg 2x a day of metronidazole which I've read can treat many infections. Since I'd had on/off irritation, have I been living this long with sepsis and no symptoms and one day the symptoms will come out of nowhere? Could my antibiotics help my piercing? I'm one step away from doing bloodwork or something. I've gone to the doctor before when my piercing was a little angry but she said it didn't look very bad, actually mild and said to just keep cleaning it. Am I exaggerating? Could I have some infection spread somewhere and not know it?? Help please! I would like to take this sucker out so bad bc I can't deal with this but that'll make things worse :unsure:

28-04-16, 19:00
I would see a doctor,and have them examine it, tell them everything.

Sepsis is a worse case scenario and usually only involves deep wounds.

However get to a doctor they can clear it up and even prescribe a strong antibiotic cream if necessary.

It could also be and I'm not saying this is definite, that your skin is allergic to the type of metal the ring is.

Anyhow again, see a doctor.

29-04-16, 01:08
I hope I'm not allergic. I'm just really afraid of sepsis bc this has been going on for years, I've never had an actual gross and nasty infection like you see on other people when you look it up and irritation or infection has only lasted maybe a couple weeks. It's getting better now after cleaning it for a couple days but of course once I look it up and the word SEPSIS comes up and people say if you ignore a piercing infection then it could lead to it and apparently it's common even though it's reported about 200,000 people get it a year.
Sorry if I'm talking so much but I feel like I'd get laughed at for telling my doctor and then saying "I'm worried about sepsis" even though I look okay and I think I'm healthy?
Ever since I read about it I've been feeling warmer with a dull headache but could be the antibiotics I'm on currently. I want to do bloodwork just to calm my nerves but then websites say that they might have to do additional or doctors could misdiagnose it.. jeez :unsure: