View Full Version : IBC- Inflammatory breast cancer

28-04-16, 09:07

This is my first post on this forum which has helped me so much.
I have health anxiety and like most people on here it goes up and down and switches from one terrible disease to another.

This time last week I was utterly terrified that I had inflammatory breast cancer. I had a spot (about a 20p size) on my breast, it was red and angry and had a small bump underneath it and my anxiety had been building for a few days.

I had no idea what to do. Everything online was saying 'It's probably just an infection' but that didn't help me to reduce my anxiety. I was of course convinced it was cancer. I felt that I would be wasting the Dr's time if I went to get it looked at (it had only been there a few days) but at the same time I was thinking "If it is something bad I will kick myself for waiting." I spent the whole day in bed. It felt like my safe place. If I got up even just to wash the dishes or watch a bit of TV I became overwhelmed with fear once more and burst in to tears.

I decided to sleep on it. I woke up with the same feeling of dread and fear and decided enough is enough so I took myself to the Dr. I was terrified of receiving bad news or being told that I would have to undergo numerous tests. He was lovely, he remembered me from a previous time I went to him with anxiety over a mole. He didn't patronise me or make me feel like a fool.

The Dr prescribed me antibiotics for the infected spot on my breast. They worked and now I just have a tiny patch of discoloured skin which is getting better day by day.

I've written this in case someone finds them self in the same situation as me and looks on this site for help. I cannot describe the relief I felt after going to the Dr. Even though at first I didn't 100% believe his diagnosis, (as is the nature of our illness) it was a huge relief to know that it wasn't me guessing at this and that anymore. I was under professional care and an expert was keeping an eye on it too.

Its not right to go running to the Dr over everything but it is also not right to put so much pressure on ourselves to try to work out what is wrong. To call ourselves stupid or pathetic for getting so worked up. Health anxiety is a real and horrible mental health issue and going to see the Dr for the good of your mental health can only be a good thing.

28-04-16, 11:23
Hi emmamoose, Thank you for your post. I am so glad you decided to go to the doctors, and also will help folk on here to do the same.:hugs: