View Full Version : Can someone possibly help me, I'm in a shop and feel panicky?

28-04-16, 09:39
I'm in a shop and feel terrified I fell panicky and shaky, anyone to talk please? Just sitting here scared and feel unwell? I'm no where near home.

28-04-16, 09:55
Hey you're going to be ok. Wanna pm?

---------- Post added at 09:50 ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 ----------

No on ever died or even got ill from feeling panicky and shaking

---------- Post added at 09:51 ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 ----------

Dr Claire Weekes says "jelly legs will get you there if you give them the chance"

---------- Post added at 09:53 ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 ----------

She also says "breathe as shallowly as you feel you must"
You will always be ok even if you feel you won't.

---------- Post added at 09:55 ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 ----------

Breathe in thru your nose and out thru pursed lips

28-04-16, 09:55
Thank you for replying, yes I'll pm you thanks.

28-04-16, 09:55
Are you even here?

28-04-16, 10:03
Try to slow your breathing. Something to help you here from a worksheet:

How to Do It
Calm breathing involves taking smooth, slow, and regular breaths. Sitting upright is usually better than lying down or slouching, because it can increase the capacity of your lungs to fill with air. It is best to 'take the weight' off your shoulders by supporting your arms on the side-arms of a chair, or on your lap.

1. Take a slow breath in through the nose, breathing into your lower
belly (for about 4 seconds)
2. Hold your breath for 1 or 2 seconds
3. Exhale slowly through the mouth (for about 4 seconds)
4. Wait a few seconds before taking another breath

About 6-8 breathing cycles per minute is often helpful to decrease anxiety, but find your own comfortable breathing rhythm. These cycles regulate the amount of oxygen you take in so that you do not experience the fainting, tingling, and giddy sensations that are sometimes associated with overbreathing.

Count them with "hundred" in between to not rush the count.

Also, if not doing that it can be helpful to focus intently on an object. Really focus hard on it without distraction for several minutes.

Of if you have something in your pocket to use, start feeling it in your hand or between your fingers. Try to notice the texture, whether it's cold or warm and how that changes, how the sensations make you feel. If you can't engage too much with it, then maybe distract your mind by counting backwards from 100 slowly but playing with that object might help with a bit more distraction if you can't get the grounding from it without occupying your mind with something like counting.

Fill your mind with pointless stuff. Think about something, for instance a dog. Now try to come up with more names of dog breeds. You can do that with anything. The basic idea is making your mind too busy concentrating on something non threatening to fully notice all the panic symptoms.

I hope you feel better soon. As Betty says, it won't hurt you, but it's scary. Distraction can stop it building further.

28-04-16, 10:13
It will pass CeeCeeCee. Honestly. :hugs:
It happens to me. Just slow down your movement, take your time.
It's your mind telling you something bad is going to happen.
I know you are scared, but you WILL BE OK.

28-04-16, 10:18
Thank you Terry, I feel stupid for being so scared, I am going to have to move soon as I can't just sit here all day, I'm cold and shaky too. I'd go home but can't until later as I'm an hour away and need to get picked up.

---------- Post added at 10:18 ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 ----------

It will pass CeeCeeCee. Honestly. :hugs:
It happens to me. Just slow down your movement, take your time.
It's your mind telling you something bad is going to happen.
I know you are scared, but you WILL BE OK.

Thank you, I'm trying to calm down, my teeth are chattering too as I'm cold. it's an awful feeling, I'm looking around at people and they are all so normal looking and calm. Feel something is going to happen to me, my head hurts and I feel sick. It's all mixing up together, real symptoms and anxious feeling, I hate it!

28-04-16, 10:30
I know CeeCeeCee. :hugs:You are not alone. We are here with you.
We know how you are feeling and although it is very, very scary, nothing bad will happen to you. It WILL PASS, just compose yourself and try to concentrate on your surroundings and distract your thoughts. Look at things around you in detail. x

28-04-16, 10:35
I know CeeCeeCee. :hugs:You are not alone. We are here with you.
We know how you are feeling and although it is very, very scary, nothing bad will happen to you. It WILL PASS, just compose yourself and try to concentrate on your surroundings and distract your thoughts. Look at things around you in detail. x

Thanks carnation, I will do, you're right, im still here and nothing has happened in the time I've been here, it's irrational I know. I'm going to try and lol around the shops, also go to chemist and ask for something for my sore head, that's why I'm anxious really, and feeling sickly too.

28-04-16, 10:35
Go for a sit down somewhere outside if it's not too cold. Even if it's in a bus shelter or even a phone box if you need some time to gather yourself.

Nobody who knows anxiety/panic will think you are stupid. Anyone else, well they can't until they've felt it so it doesn't matter what they think. The fear feels as real as if it would if it was a normal fear reaction, it's only that the trigger is irrational in some way. Don't worry about feeling stupid, you are NOT and we understand.

Talking to someone in the pharmacy might distract you a bit. I know talking to people can give me a boost once it's over if I'm feeling anxious.

28-04-16, 10:38
Yes, I normally sit on a bench till I find the strength to carry on.
It will subside CeeCeeCee. You were probably already anxious before you went out and it has built up. Once it is up, it has to come down. :hugs:

28-04-16, 10:42
I know CeeCeeCee. :hugs:You are not alone. We are here with you.
We know how you are feeling and although it is very, very scary, nothing bad will happen to you. It WILL PASS, just compose yourself and try to concentrate on your surroundings and distract your thoughts. Look at things around you in detail. x

Thank you so much, it has helped a lot.

28-04-16, 10:45
Talk to people around, like Terry says. Anything to distract. x

28-04-16, 11:02
Go for a sit down somewhere outside if it's not too cold. Even if it's in a bus shelter or even a phone box if you need some time to gather yourself.

Nobody who knows anxiety/panic will think you are stupid. Anyone else, well they can't until they've felt it so it doesn't matter what they think. The fear feels as real as if it would if it was a normal fear reaction, it's only that the trigger is irrational in some way. Don't worry about feeling stupid, you are NOT and we understand.

Talking to someone in the pharmacy might distract you a bit. I know talking to people can give me a boost once it's over if I'm feeling anxious.

Yes, I've been sitting down which helped. This feeling is horrible, I feel spacey and out if myself, I'll talk to paharmacist yes, thank you.

28-04-16, 11:09
Just like how the adrenaline is pumped to cause the panic, your body will respond to calm it down. These neurotransmitters work in harmony so when one spikes, it's opposite tries to calm it down. That's why it can't last.

Feeling spaced out after a period of high anxiety or panic is common, the body is trying to restore order. Some people experience some DP as a form of escape too.

Things will calm down soon. Just keep looking after yourself. Calm your breathing and take things easy for a bit.

28-04-16, 11:13
Terry & BettyBoop, I have to go and see to my Mum now, will you be around for CeeCeeCee? x

28-04-16, 11:48
Betty has logged off. I'm off shortly. I will try to check in but in another hour I have to go myself.

Hopefully other members will join in to support.

28-04-16, 11:55
Went to pharmacy, she was busy so woman behind counter helped me, got some paracetamol and codeine for head pain, she didn't know much really, not very helpful. Am wandering round now trying to get some motivation to shop, I've also made an appt for docs tonight, scared of what she'll say though 😟

28-04-16, 12:07
Hopefully you feel a bit calmer now?

Shopping can be a good distraction, so have a good mooch about. Maybe you will find yourself something nice to give you a boost? Have a slow wander around, don't rush yourself and let your body calm down.

28-04-16, 17:23
Thanks terry, I am feeling much better now, although it keeps coming over me in wave and hot sweats. My head is less sore as I took the tablet. I'm just pleased to be even a little better than this morning, thanks to all of you :-) Support is amazing in here, I'm glad it's 'portable' ��

---------- Post added at 17:23 ---------- Previous post was at 13:45 ----------

I'm in docs now, I don't know what to say to her, so scared she'll say it's bad and not just sinus infection. Feel actually poorly now, just hope I get it sorted.

29-04-16, 10:32
Hi ceeceecee

How are you doing today?

29-04-16, 11:06
Hi Betty, well I went to docs yesterday's as felt awful. She said it could be a sinus infection as I suggested. I've had a bad night's sleep, kept waking up on and off still thinking the worst. Had some funny dreams too.
My head was hurting a lot and I felt sick. The antibiotics I got, Doxycillin, can make you have nausea apparently so I keep telling myself it's that and my anxiety, which was bad through the night.
I had palpitations, hot sweats etc, it was scary.
This morning my head still hurts, and my eye and ear and I feel congested on one side. This makes me feel that it must be sinus, but then it still lingers slightly after taking painkillers. Then it starts the what if it's something bad. I've not read if anyone else having such bad head pain with sinus infection, have you?
It's making me feel poorly, the top left of my head is really sore so that makes it harder to cope. Go on holiday next week and don't wanted one like this, I'm fed up :-(

29-04-16, 23:35

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Just a little thought but could the impending holiday be making you anxious? I'm not saying that it's bringing these pains on but is possibly making you feel and fear a lot worse than usual because of the anxiety over holiday? Just a thought :ohmy:

There are many illnesses going around, I've had my fair share and I don't really go out of my flat much to pick them up! You thinking that the virus you have is something more sinister is the anxiety working away inside of you telling you all kinds of terrible things, right? Keep taking the antibiotics and I hope you feel better soon and enjoy your holiday.


30-04-16, 12:48
Thanks Betty, I had a better day yesterday, I totally logged off from here so I could try and keep my mind off it. I slept better last night too.

Today I was feeling ok-ish when I woke but then started with the sickness. I had taken my antibiotic and it must have been that I'm sure, they can have side effects like that. Only thing is that when I get symptoms of feeling sick or dizzy, that is when I get really anxious and scared, irrational I know but it makes me think its more than sinus.
I have a real thing about feeling/being sick, I hate it so much.

You maybe right about the holiday as I often seem to fall ill on holiday or just before, my husband dreads it I think. He says he hopes it's not going to be like some other holidays, when I'm in bed a few days ill. Usually it's related to IBS.
Partly I just wish I was there, in Italy, but partly I'm worried I will feel ill.
The thing is that when I feel ok, with no sick feelings or bad tummy etc I am just fine and don't worry, I can go months feeling fine, it's mostly when I actually feel sick or have something I can't explain away that I get the anxiety. I suppose that's HA for you though, you don't have rational feelings at all :-/:shrug:

30-04-16, 23:46
Hi CeeCeeCee

I'm sure that when you get this sinus infection sorted you will feel a lot better. It's since this infection that you have started getting anxious again, isn't it? probably some worry there about the holiday too. And now also the antibiotics, whilst doing their job, are also making you feel icky. You'll have to ride it out because viruses are something that we can't control unfortunately.

I hope you feel better soon, so you can enjoy your holiday rather than dreading it.
