View Full Version : Symptom

09-03-07, 12:40
Hello all whilst i was in the shop last nite i was stood at the till and just out of the blue i thought i was going to pass out.It was as if i just had something lad on the top of my head!!!!! And my bottom lip keeps going numb on the right hand side is this another anxiety thing for me to worry about.

Any help would be great please of anyone.

Gareth.:mad: :mad: :mad:

09-03-07, 13:29
Sounds like anxiety,how do you feel today?

09-03-07, 14:35
My head is ok today no dizzy spells. But my lip is numb a bit it comes's and go's

10-03-07, 09:25
I reckon its anxiety - I suddenly find I get weird feelings in my head then "whoosh" i feel hot and dizzy and breathless then the negative thoughts kick in and I have a full blown panic attack - Im sure its anxiety and you will sort it out - try not to worry. Love wenjoy x

10-03-07, 17:07
Had you eaten properly before this happened.

12-03-07, 11:42
Yes had lunch and bits in between this happend just before tea time about 5.30 ish last week.


12-03-07, 15:21
I had this happen Saturday at work. I had no choice at the time but to keep moving as my store was really crowded and it actually help me switch my thoughts quickly.
Definetly to my advantage.
The lip, it is a part of anxiety and it did rather alarm me the first few times. I do recognize it when it comes but am no longer alarmed.
Hope is leaves you soon.


13-03-07, 05:34
I think its anxiety. I diagnose myself with something new everyday. Its either high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, going crazy, or just falling over dead. Well my panic attacks have gone on for a year now, and I havent died yet. Its all in my head, which to me is harder than if it wasnt. Hang in there!

13-03-07, 08:36
hi i actually had my tongue go numb and feel like it was swollen last year and my side of my face felt numb.I immediately called my gp to his cell.He said he knew i thought I was getting a stroke but I was not he gave some medical term for it he said it is anxiety I must breathe in a brown paper bag and take a tablet which I did and to my surprise it worked so i think its part of anxiety and you have nothing to worry about

lots of hugs

13-03-07, 08:54
Thank you all for your support you are all great friends to talk to.

Gareth xx