View Full Version : Skin cancer? Lymphoma? Cyst? Boil?

28-04-16, 17:07
So several weeks ago I woke up with a really big, firm red lump on the back of my neck (sort of side/going into the back). Anyway I naturally freaked out a bit but I prided myself on being quite calm for the first week or so. Anyway, time went on and I started to worry, even though it stopped hurting and came to a yellow head after I applied hot compress on it, and I squeezed it (safely with hands washed, tissues etc). Anyway here's where I am now:

4 weeks on: the spot has shrunk a lot and looks better but still there as a smaller bump and redness round area.
Goes down a lot when pressed with hot cloth (I haven't been doing this much at all but it seems to help a lot when I do).
Has previously come to a couple of small heads which were squeezed.
No longer painful.
I've picked and squeezed it a lot.

I'm just freaking out it could be skin cancer or even lymphoma :( can anyone offer any advice as I'm worrying a lot...

28-04-16, 17:14
C'mon now... it's a pimple for goodness sakes. The fact it came to a head and you squeezed pus out of it proves that.

There are thousands of pimple popping videos on you tube that will affirm this and gross you out ~lol~

Positive thoughts

29-04-16, 07:16
Thanks fishmanpa, I'm just freaking out that it's still lingering and still noticeable. Do you think it's possible it came to a couple of yellow heads on top of something more sinister?