View Full Version : Constant Dizziness

28-04-16, 20:16
Hi all, new to the site

Since around the start of the year I've been experiencing a constant dizziness for better want of a word....really a mixture of feeling like I'm swaying a little/walking on a boat/unsteadiness. Which has been definitely the most worrying symptom. At the same time I find myself tired early at night and waking up earlier in the morning, unable to sleep any longer( I loved a long lie) I also have noticed my feet being cold a lot, needing to go the bathroom more frequently, slight shakiness.

I have noticed myself also feeling terrible and distant and spaced out doing things like going out for dinner and have avoided other social events due to feeling this way and don't feel like doing anything a lot of the time

Then you start looking up these symptoms and have convinced myself for periods of time that I have a serious illness (MS, heart condition, all of the serious ones). I have been to the doctors a few times and a&e. they checked for vertigo signs/reflexes/ears/ecg/blood test and all normal. But still think they haven't seen something that would highlight a problem.

Basically looking to see if anyone has had similar experience or has the same symptoms, as it is definitely getting me down and can't shake the feeling that something is wrong.

28-04-16, 20:21
Sounds like anxiety to me.

28-04-16, 20:35
Sounds just like me, the way you describe the dizziness is the same as mine, frequent urination and cold feet have been more recent symptoms of anxiety.

It's hard to believe isn't it, i also have thought i have the same as what you mentioned i.e a serious problem, but docs say otherwise

28-04-16, 21:11
I feel the same, its really getting me down, I have been feeling like this for months and like you I am avoiding going places.

I have noticed its worse when I am tired which is all the time as I am not sleeping well.

Everyday is a struggle all I want to do is stay in bed and hide away.:unsure:

29-04-16, 10:30
I am the same. Avoiding going out apart from to work etc. Getting really down about it

30-04-16, 18:14
Do you think the dizziness could be related to hyperventilating? Not the usual panicky taking obviously quick breaths but general constant Overbreathing that you wouldn't really notice? Thoughts?

30-04-16, 18:55
Hey I won't go into great detail but I had symtoms like this and yes your spot on .
After many tests about four years ago it was in fact a paramedic friend of mine ( always good to have one ) ha ,that I sat talking to one night and I was feeling so dizzy to the point of thinking I would just pass out .

I had been in his company for about two hrs and he said to me you have sat there overbreathing all the time you don't even know your doing it anymore .

He explained to me how I was constantly taking shallow breaths and you wouldn't see it as such but he with his medical training could and he said for two hrs you have been doing that your changing the chemical balance in your body and the adrenaline is pumping and needs to go somewhere .

Sorry if that didn't help so much but trust me yes you can I have and I do .:hugs:

03-06-16, 18:48
I'm constantly dizzy 5 weeks non stop swaying spinning feeling like I'm on a boat sometimes the room actually spins x

03-06-16, 19:37
I have All the symptoms that you have at the moment and more.

It's called high anxiety and is brought on by fear.
Sleepless nights and disturbed sleep can make it worse.
So can dehydration and hunger.

Like me, it is your body telling you that you need more rest, sleep and less stress. x

06-06-16, 01:10
Look up Mal de Debarquement Syndrome.