View Full Version : Just had enough of this

28-04-16, 21:16
Hi guys

In a bad place tonight and no where else to turn.

Im a student but due to bad health anxiety my studies have been neglected a bit (they are aware of the anxiety issue) im trying to write an essay but having no luck as working myself up about doctor appt tomorrow and symptoms. (Im just after making myself think i have liver cancer after having a tenderish lump in my right side, btw liver fuction test was normal at end of feb)

Ive just had enough!! Feel like this anxiety is robbing me of everything!! Doing a course i wanted to, enjoying being with my daughter, enjoying life in general. Its just feels like theres a constant black cloud and demond following me around.

Sorry just need to let it out!!!

28-04-16, 21:19
Totally understand, its almost as if we have to be worrying about a health symptom/s 24 hrs a day.
You can't have liver cancer and a normal liver function test so you can rest easy on that one.
It's a nasty circle in that we feel ill and have genuine symptoms - we then worry about that symptom being something fatal which causes more symptoms and round and round it goes.
No words of wisdom I am afraid but I do understand.

28-04-16, 21:24
Thanks countrygirl. Ive just had enough of it all tonight. Im sick of the worry, the pain, the symptoms, the tears everything. Roll on seeing the dr tomorrow, dont think i could manage this any longer!!

29-04-16, 12:49
Hi guys

Just an update

Seen my Dr today and he said everything as a big picture deff sounds anxiety (said he knows looking at them individually yes it would be scary sounding) with some being more side effects that are lasting on from ranitidine (been put on my records that theres a mild allergy) & a slightly wet ear so on drops for that. Went through all my bloods with me again and said that it was the size and shape of red blood cells that was off but thats normal for paitients where i live as bloods travel for a day before being tested.

Feeling a bit more relaxed now and to wait for app with mental health and see GP again in a month.

AND bonus not going on meds at time being :D (as im very prone to side effects he wants to keep me off meds as much as poss)

Ps lump in side deff just a fatty lump and bones, he has no concern at all :)