View Full Version : Need help I'm in two minds one cry and accept it or two ring a ambulance

28-04-16, 23:16
I have health anxiety to extreme due to nearly dieing after having my son in 2012 I give birth and had a amazing experience again on Saturday since I have monitored myself due to the fear of it all happening again so I take my temp regular well it's coming back as 35 constantly even at hospital whike I was in it was 35 well now it says 34 constantly my partner checked his which is 37 I checked my sons which is 36 why is mine so low !
I then checked on my app my oxygen and heart rate my heart rate was 45 bpm my oxygen was 97 so I got my other half to check his which was 89 bpm and 100 oxygen why is everything so low for me I checked my pulse and I can barely feel it ?? I feel light and dizzy and tiered but now I'm scared to sleep I'm currently sat uncontrollable shaking with anxiety that I'm dieing right now and I'm going to leave my three beautiful children and partner I keep crying I don't know what to do I don't know whether I need to get help for my mental health or if this is real and in fact something is actually wrong with me again

28-04-16, 23:39
Nothing is wrong.

Your heart rate is low, but then low can be totally normal....and usually means the person is youthful and healthy. (assuming you checked it correctly that is)

Your temperature is pretty well nothing worrying. You are cool. No big deal. Far better that than one that is way high. Yep, you are a cooler than the norm, but bear in mind that a young baby's temp can go down to 35 and that is totally normal.

Your oxygen sats are at 97% which is TOTALLY normal. Rarely are sats bang on 100%. 95-100 is normal.

You are not dying, hon.

Childbirth - with or without complications (which it sounds very much like you had) is hard on a woman's body....a huge strain. That is just not the case here for you now, so there is no reason that you should be worried that very unusual situation should happen again to you. xx:hugs:

28-04-16, 23:57
As Debs said, your oxygen levels and pulse are well within normal ranges as well as your temperature. These things can vary minute to minute, hour to hour etc. depending on what we're doing etc. Keep in mind, home test equipment is not always the most accurate gauge. I happen to have a BP monitor (doctor's orders) and I paid a pretty penny to get a good one. Even at that, I have to follow the directions and take it three times to get an average... and that's after relaxing for ten minutes before checking!

For yourself as well as your family, I would seriously look into getting help for your anxiety. I see so many here posting about the fear of leaving loved ones yet what they don't realize is, by spending your days worrying, self monitoring yourself, consulting Dr Google and logged onto forums and such, you've effectively left them already :(

Positive thoughts

29-04-16, 11:58
Edited because I worded things badly and don't want to cause any distress.

29-04-16, 14:09
Pulse is low. It could have just been a one off but it isn't in normal range. I don't want to worry you but I don't want to give you false information either. Normal range is 60-100. I work in a hospital and take obs all the time and score them.

I don't feel that any 'false info' was given, from a personal point of view.

I too am 'trained in that area' and from my knowledge, yes, 45 is a lower than normal heart rate, and 60-100 is spewed out as the norm, but a lower heart rate below 60 can be seen in healthy, sporty, fit adults. As I mentioned in my post, this is based on the assumption that the pulse was read correctly in the first place - 45 is fairly low -which I too have some doubt about, especially when high anxiety is involved. Sorry, but I don't feel that what does seem a little like scaremongering is going to help here.

You have to look at the big picture. The other obs are fine. The sats are fine. That should indicate something positive.

I would suggest the the OP gets a check up at her GP, as clearly this will cause her to fret.

29-04-16, 14:44
All your obs are within "normal" parameters. Don't listen to scaremongering, just make an appointment to see your GP when convenient to put your mind at rest. Whilst you are there ask to be referred for some therapy to deal with your health anxiety - CBT is very effective.

29-04-16, 14:55
I am not scaremongering. That really isn't fair. I find that quite offensive when all I have ever done on this website is try to help people. I didn't deserve that at all.

I suggested she gets someone to take it for her manually or make an appointment. I have been a member of this site for years and spend a lot of time trying to help people. I'm not into scaring people.

I think telling her to either get it checked again when she isn't panicking and not by an app and then seeing a GP if it remains low is pretty good advice. I am not telling her she needs to rush to a GP. A pulse of 45 is low unless you are extremely fit, which she might be but I stand by what I said that if it really is this low consistently a GP needs to be consulted and most likely it will all be fine. Of course 45 can be the norm for some people but I still think it's worth a GP visit if this is new for the OP and it is consistently low when measured properly and not when panicking.

Anyway OP, like I said, an app is not a good thing to use, I doubt the truth of that reading and while in a panic you will never get a true reading so take it with a huge pinch of salt anyway. It wasn't my intention to scare you and maybe I should have worded it better.

Anyway, I will leave this thread here...

29-04-16, 15:26
My apologies Hypo, I didn't mean you personally I just meant in general. Sorry if I inadvertently offended you, and I agree that apps and monitors are not good things to have too - I threw away my blood pressure machine lol! :whistles:

29-04-16, 15:38
I agree that using an app for stuff like this is not a good idea. I think the good, old fashioned method of just checking the pulse at the wrist and counting the beats for a minute is far better, simpler and costs not a thing......and doesn't need a download!

I also should not have said you were scaremonering, Hypo. Far too harsh and unfair. I was just concerned for the OP as I felt that it may add fuel to her high anxiety about her health if she thinks that her pulse is wholly abnormal.

I think the best thing all round is for her to get an observations check at the GP. They should (ideally) do this without quibbling if she mentions her pulse rate reading, and hopefully offer her the full monty, including BP and maybe an ECG would be good just to be totally thorough?

29-04-16, 15:53
Thank you. I am feeling a bit sensitive today and hate the idea of scaring someone.

I agree an obs check at the GP is a good idea. I am sure it's all fine like you are and it was just an untrue reading :)

29-04-16, 15:56
Sorry again, Hypo. You really do help a lot of members here.

I am not feeling myself today either, and am a bit on the snappy side. My stroppy typing finger doesn't engage with my brain on days like this.:wacko: x

29-04-16, 16:22
I have had acid reflux for weeks on end and panic attacks for just as long, so I'm sensitive, plus time of the month means lethal combination.

Maybe we should all have a pint of baileys or something tonight.. not good for reflux or panic but it tastes nice!

29-04-16, 18:31
I have had acid reflux for weeks on end and panic attacks for just as long, so I'm sensitive, plus time of the month means lethal combination.

Maybe we should all have a pint of baileys or something tonight.. not good for reflux or panic but it tastes nice!

This is uncanny, Hypo. I have been struggling with reflux and the aftermath of strep throat - a lot of gunk in my throat - for weeks too. Getting me down......plus my time of the month is coming in a matter of days, so I am like a female bear with a sore head!!!:wacko:

I could definitely go for the Baileys. I love a glass with some ice......think I might have to stick to a large cup of tea and as much chocolate as my stomach will allow though!:yesyes: