View Full Version : Flashbacks

30-09-04, 18:16
What can be done to deal with flashbacks which are triggered by anything which is a reminder of a traumatic event?


30-09-04, 20:58
I wish I knew Briary - I have that problem also.....

30-09-04, 21:07
I think it needs specialist help.

I set this topic up for someone that had a lot of knowledge about it but I don't think she has been back since.

Meg may be able to get hold of her for you.


30-09-04, 21:13
Okay Nicola, thanks.

30-09-04, 22:55
PTSD often responds well to Emotional Freedom Technique.


It usually emerges when the issue has been ignored and not dealt with.

Briary- discuss with your therapist as she may be able to help you as its quite involved.


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

02-10-04, 12:08
briary: i had those flashbacks when i hadda x-ray on my back, i couldnt and wouldnt sleep for ages coz of those flash backs!

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

02-10-04, 14:02
Sorry to hear that Scooter Girl. I hope you're okay now.


02-10-04, 17:47
that was a year ago now, lol. year im ok now thanx for asking

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

02-10-04, 22:52
Glad to hear it Scooter Girl.


02-10-04, 23:43
Hi Briary

Havent replied to this post as we talk on the other one, but also as flashbacks brings back memories to me that i try to hide.

Great post and hope in time i will be able to help you on this one.

Love Sal xxxxx

03-10-04, 11:09
hi briary,

One of the ways you can learn how to deal with flashbacks is with the help of a counsellor. Mine works with me on flashbacks as I have a problem forgetting the epileptic seizure I had a few years ago. The counsellor will help you put the event that is troubling you in 'a specific part' of your mind so that it doesn't keep popping up at unwanted moments. I didn't really believe in it at first but having done it a few times now, it has really helped. Maybe you could ask your hypnotherapist about it?

Sarah :D

03-10-04, 14:43
Hi Sarah

Thanks for that information. I've read somewhere about moving the memory to a different part of the mind so the triggers don't make the memory become recalled. It is difficult to see how the memory can be moved like that but I agree it probably needs professional help.

I'm glad it has helped you deal with the memory of your epileptic seizure.


03-10-04, 14:45
Hi Sal

Don't worry about not writing on this post. I completely understand about trying to bury painful memories.

Briary xx

03-10-04, 14:47
u ok briary?

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

03-10-04, 15:49
Yes thanks Scooter Girl.

03-10-04, 18:00
kk! by the way call me jade ;)

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

03-10-04, 18:22
Ok Jade.

12-10-04, 15:08

how r u with ur flash backs

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

13-10-04, 00:51
I've still got them, Jade.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

23-10-04, 18:59
ow no

how do u cope? do u sleep well?

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

07-12-04, 23:46
I have heard from a fellow Vet that there is a meditation therapy going that'll relieve the patient off the PTSD and the flashbacks. Since this treatment is not covered by the National Health I am unable of giving a personal account but it might be well worth investigating.

For my part I have learnt to control myself and my environment as much as possible to avoid any episodes in public - it might not be an ideal solution but since my T doesn't believe I try hard enough to get back to a normal life I have no other choice...


05-01-05, 19:12
I have been to my first two visits now with a psychologist who has specialized in phobias panic p.t.s.d for twenty years. I hope she can help me with my situation. She said my panic attacks are trauma based. I have had alot happen in my childhood, but I also had flashbacks from an event when I was 9 or 10 years old. Someone was coming after me and I was curled up hiding my head and face against a screen on a ouside porch. What was strange is, I watched myself from out of my body, allmost as if I was the person coming after me. The flashbacks stopped as soon as I retained that I was having it in my memory. I do not know who was coming after me or what they did to me. I cannot remember anything else. If my doctor tells me how I will deal with that flashback I will share it with you as well. So far she hasnt. She is in the collecting data stage now, and is having me right down all my quiet thoughts that I have right before, during and after I have a panic attack. Ill share with all of you the process she takes with me if you like. Since she has called it trauma based I dont know if that means P.T.S.D. or not, do any of you know?

05-01-05, 21:29
Hi Hermit

It is good that you are getting help to deal with the PTSD. I thought this condition is usually a result of a traumatic incident but I don't know that much about it apart from how it affects me.

I have also experienced flashbacks where it is like I have been watching myself and have seen parts of the event happening again.

I hope the psychologist can help you with this and would be interested to know if there is any particular treatment that helps you.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.