View Full Version : Strange feeling in my head.

29-04-16, 10:00
Now, to start things off I wanna mention that I've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and depression.
I haven't felt "normal" in about 1,5 months. Had diverse symptoms which led me to think that i have a brain tumor/esophageal cancer and so on. It was miserable to say the least. Now after a while most of my fears somewhat diminished. While i still fear the tumor/esophageal cancer. It's not as bad as it once was.

My current problem is the fact that I feel weird pressure between my eyebrows. Sometimes the pressure covers my entire forehead. Same with my eyes, weird pressure around them. I also have a dent in the upper left corner of my skull that i noticed 1 month ago. It's quite large and at this point I don't even know if it's been there all this time or came recently. I have barely any nausea (really rare) My head just feels weird. Like it's constantly in focus. The rest of my body feels normal. I also tend to have double vision on my pc when reading bright text on a dark background.

I've been to my doctor numerous times now.
Blood work came back fine
ultrasound was good
eye md. : optic nerve was not swollen/have mild astigmatism
ENT- chronic larynghitis and pharynghitis
chest x ray came back fine
Psychiatrist said i have GAD and depression.
blood pressure was also fine.

I just don't know anymore. My parents think that this is all due to anxiety and depression. Told my doctor everything and he didn't order a CT scan or such since and i quote "i can't just go around and order those without any reason".
My mother said that the pressure between my eyes was due to my sinuses being inflammed and my vision problems where due to eye inflammation.
My nose is not running and it's also clear without any blockade in it. Eyes do hurt when i'm outside for a while and they became more sensitive to light.

I basically just want to know if this could be caused by anxiety/depression
and if my symptoms could be due to sins/eye inflammation without the usual symptoms like the runny/stuffed nose for the sinuses and the red eyes for the eye inflammation.

It's just really miserable I'm having constant brain fog and things around me just seem different. I can't pinpoint it but it's just different.