View Full Version : a child being mother to the man

09-03-07, 14:33
the weight of grief that i have been experiencing has finally broken me into pieces.yet another journey home from work sobbing with an urgent sense of heartbreak.i know my innocence was wiped out by rape but i never realised how much my beloved family would trigger this canyon sized feeling of lonely
loss.i got home and fell through the front door and collapsed on the floor begging for safety and peace.my wife was her usual beautiful compassionate self,but it was the actions of my 6yr old girl that astonished me."daddy,you are the bestist daddy in the whole world" she wrapped her arms around me and held me close."you are a gift from god" she said.i was sent to bed and told to rest and i drifted into exhausted sleep listening to my wife bathing the two little cherubs.next morning at school i was told by a support worker that megan was the single most caring girl in the school and she often gave up her playtime to help special needs kids with their work,so i went onto ebay and bought her dolly bunk beds which she has wanted since christmas.
my god i love my family.
the grief is incredible yet a part of me feels cleansed by all the tears,as if they are a human protest at the inhuman treatment we sufferred as children,a line of contact to an absolute view on innocence that i am glad to feel.mine was wiped out.period.but theirs is sacred to me and it will be honoured within a happy family unit.i have survived thus far and no murderous paedophiles are going to finish their filthy work through my suicide.no ******* way .they got me,by the love of god they will not get my children.period.

09-03-07, 14:57
Massive hugs to you and all your family (esp Megan) for showing you that true human goodness does still exsist and is all around you.


Piglet :flowers:

09-03-07, 15:05
Just needed to send you a ((((HUG)))) reading that brought a tear to my eye


Trac xx

09-03-07, 15:06
you are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family around you and your daughter is amazing!!!!!!
your story really touched me, and although i cant offer a solution, i must say that what doesnt break us...makes us stronger more caring human beings.
take good care and god bless u all
luv tracie xx

09-03-07, 15:36
What a lovely person you are Ade - and what a beautiful family you have to love and cherish.


lots luv :hugs:

GG :emot-dance:


09-03-07, 16:18
what a gorgeous post.. aren't children lovely.. 3 years ago my 11 year old sister went to stay with her "lovely caring" grandfather (her father's dad, not related to me) for a couple of weeks during the summer holidays, it turned out he'd been sexually abusing her... the bast*rd is now is prison and in my eyes should stay and f**k*ng rot there til he goes to burn in hell... then 26th dec 2005 my other little brother and sisters dad committed suicide after battling depression and many addictions throughout his life.. he left two gogeous children, aged 3 and 5 behind.. throughout all this pain my brothers and sisters have shown such strength and love, the way my now 14 year old sister delt with everything absolutely amazes me. i admire her more than anyone else in the world. she is amazing. as are my other bro and sis. all children are complete rays of light. what happened to you and lots of others as a child is disgusting and unforgivable but try and not let it cloud the rest of your life. it sounds like an amazing family you have... i truely wish you all the best..

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13-03-07, 13:30
thanks you kind,kind people your words have been very comforting
oceans of love to you all
ade x x x x x x x x x x x x x

13-03-07, 13:43
Dear Ade,your post moved me to tears,you grieving for you lost innocence:weep: so many of us here have been stripped of chilhood magic at the hands of the adults who wont control themselves:lac: your Megan is a true angel,as i belieive that is what angels are,put on this earth to comfort and guide us[i am not a religious person,i just believe this to be so:) ]Dry your tears Ade,we feel your pain and your family can heal you.love Mary Rose.xxxxxxxxxx

13-03-07, 13:49
Aww what a lovely post.

So well thought out and worded.

Thanks for sharing.