View Full Version : pounding heart

29-04-16, 15:06
Just walked 5mins up my sisters. Didn,t walk slow maybe normal when I got there. My heart was pounding still for about 3 minits after. Its gone now but scared

29-04-16, 15:53

This happens to me quite a lot after exercise, walking etc. I get this when I get up in the morning and go up and down the stairs. My heart sort of pounds through my chest and I have to sit down.

I think it is a combination of a few things. Firstly exercise, even a short walk, our anxiety and possibly a bit of hyperventilation going on. Also, we become aware that our heart is racing, then we worry and it makes it worse....nightmare.

Try not to worry. I have this frequently and it always goes off and as yet, I am still here to live the tale, lol. x:hugs:

29-04-16, 16:44
I have had this for weeks now. GP said it was anxiety. I had one panic attack going upstairs so now it happens every time I go up the stairs, or walk etc.

I am a bit unfit but not that unfit. I feel my heart rate increase which causes panic, and then I panic more and can't breathe.

I am still alive though! GP wouldn't even check my heart, told me it's all panic. I know he is right though, logically.

BTW my husband doesn't have HA but he has general anxiety and this happens to him often as well.

29-04-16, 19:52
thanks for replys. sounds like me.

30-04-16, 00:30
Yep, most likely anxiety related and won't do you any harm. Do your best to ignore it (hard I know) as paying it attention makes it worse. I speak from months of experience and am just getting a handle on it now and managing to exert myself without a huge increase in anxiety.