View Full Version : Desperate for help - Symptoms and Sleep

29-04-16, 17:46

This is my first time writing, so please bare with me if this gets long. Right now I am at loss and need some/any advice, feedback or help. This is all very new and scary to me.

2 months ago I started getting weird physical symptoms - tremors, tingling (sometimes felt like feet was falling asleep) and tickly sensations, dizziness and extreme fatigue and weakness especially in the mornings, and I guess more nervous than usual. I feel like the nervousness was because of the symptoms but not sure. After suffering for a month, I went to the GP and did blood work which came out all normal, diagnosed with anxiety. She gave me zoloft but I was hesitant to take it so held off.

2 weeks ago, I suffered a major first panic attack and it lasted for a while and was traumatizing. Since then, I have not been myself so I started Zoloft and started seeing a therapist last week. I have a panicky/nervous feeling (calmed down a little in the past 2 days but still), 24/7 horrible dizziness, loss of appetite, all the previous symptoms worsened and had a depersonalize (?) feeling once or twice too, burning sensation and weak arms and leg feeling. Mornings are 10x worse!

Another major worry is SLEEP. Two days after the panic attack until today (almost 2 weeks), I haven't been able to sleep, or STAY ASLEEP. I would get so tired and sleepy and fall asleep, but a few minutes in, this RUSH/SURGE in my body, like a warm tingly feeling also, would rush from my toes to head and wake me up. EVERY TIME... and i mean it. Even during the day i would fall asleep because i'm so tired, but my body would jerk and wake me up. I was prescribed sleep medicine but it's not helping that much. I feel so horrible in the mornings and the physical symptoms and this sleep thing is making me worse. What is happening to me?

Anyone, please help. Desperate for answers.

Thank you all.

29-04-16, 18:34
Hi , I really feel for you most of the people on here are either going through the same thing or have been through it , I've had episodes of it for years usually brought on by stress currently going through it again , it does get easier and somtimes dissapears when you least expect it , you are in the right place for support and advice , take care

29-04-16, 19:02
Thank you Buster70. I'm so glad I found this forum... So many kind caring people. It's so hard when you go to the doctor and get no answers or explanations, feel so lost and helpless. Hoping this will pass soon. I have two very young ones and don't want to lose joy in life because of these symptoms and whatnot. :weep:

30-04-16, 23:46
Hi Candothis.

I too have some of those symptoms, particularly the trembling and weakness. I often feel like sleep has not refreshed me at all. The symptoms are all caused by my anxiety, which is worse at times of stress or in the lead-up to something I know will be stressful.

As for the problem of getting to sleep, I've found that sticking on some headphones and listening to a podcast causes me to drop off fairly quickly and sleep fairly soundly. Anything spoken word works for me so long as there are no sharp changes in volume.