View Full Version : New Anxiety ... keep thinking i have cancer

29-04-16, 19:12
Hi i have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and started on sertraline. I keep thinking I am ill... all the time. I currently think i have multiple myeloma because i have bone pains all over my arms and sometimes in my legs. finding it hard to stay focused on day to day life

29-04-16, 19:48
Hi sorry to hear this but thought itd be worth mentioning that aches and pains all over the body can be a symptom of anxiety. Currently its my neck and back thay are aching. If its really bothering you can you contact your doctor? X

29-04-16, 20:02
yea i was with my dr the other day and they said anxiety most likely cause , but it just seems so real

29-04-16, 20:04
It is real. Anxiety and stress cause actual pain, you're not imagining it.

29-04-16, 20:11
thanks for the support everyone who is reading. I guess its just about adapting to the new diagnosis and learning to forget it as best i can