View Full Version : Chronic/recurrent tonsillitis anyone?

30-04-16, 00:49
So for just over a month now, I started getting what I thought was strep throat causing tonsillitis. I was given penicillin antibiotics and it went down within several days and I finished the 10 day course.

A few weeks later, it came back and swelled up really badly to the point where I couldn't swallow without being in agony. I ended up going to the hospital where they gave me steroids to reduce the swelling and some IV antibiotics. They thought it was viral. My tonsils significantly reduced in swelling and pain.

I went to my GP for a followup where he said it was bacterial, so he represcribed me the same course of antibiotics for a bacterial infection. However, now, a few weeks down the track, my tonsils are swelling up again. and I'm getting super paranoid that either:
- if it is viral, then how come my body hasn't fought it off? I've tested negative for EBV/CMD (kissing disease or glandular fever). I've had it in the past and doctors say it's unlikely to reappear if you've got it again. The only other viruses I can think of is HIV :/
- if it is bacterial, how come my body isn't fighting it off? How come pencillin couldn't fight it off? Do I have a highly-resistant bacteria (golden staph)? :(

Just wondering if anyone as an adult (I'm in my early 20s) has had recurrent bouts of tonsillitis or something similar. I'm pretty lost here and could do with some reassurance :(

30-04-16, 01:08

Yep, I have been battling something similar myself over the past month.

I went away to Spain on March 22nd, and March 26th I woke up with a very sore throat, a fever - i couldn't stop shaking - and pus all over my tonsils. I saw a doctor who diagnosed bacterial tonsillitis/strep throat and pharyngitis. He said that because the strep was severe I had to have Cefotaxime and Penicillin G injections into my bottom (oh the joy, lol)

I had them once daily for 6 days, plus a steroid injection the first day to reduce the severity.

Within a couple of days I felt way better - no sore throat, just some thick phlegm and a tickly throat. Once the course finished, my sore throat was back in a couple of days, albeit not as severely.

I saw the doctor as a follow up appt, and he said that to really knock it on the head he would prescribe oral antibiotics for 10 days - Augmentin. I finished that course and again felt better, but last Wednesday my bloody sore throat was back again!! The thick phlegm in my throat has also not resolved and is driving me nuts.

Like you, I have been at a loss as to what is going on, and can only assume that this is now viral, and I am run down so not able to conquer it.

The thing with tonsillitis is that normally it is - 99.9% of the time - virally caused. The majority of sore throats are. Viruses can be stubborn little buggers that go and then come back again.

Since my throat flared up, I have been tackling it as a virus, so I have done a few things that have really helped a lot.

Firstly, warm, salt water gargles. These have helped hugely with the pain and irritation.

Next, antiseptic mouthwash gargles. Anything with chlorhexidine in is good. (I prefer salt water though, as I am not a big fan of the aftertaste of this stuff!)

Thirdly, BIG doses of Vitamin C. I have been taking 1000mg of it as well as a high dose multivitamin with Vit C in that too.

Lastly, throat sprays. The kind that have an anaesthetic in.

I woke up today and had no sore throat...yay! I am not sure how long it will last but will just wait and see.

Please try not to worry too much about this. Bad throats can be a nightmare to get shot of. Hope you feel better soon. x:winks:

01-05-16, 14:52
Thanks a lot for your reply :)

I guess it's a little concerning/weird because it's been recurring and I'm in my 20s which is abnormal...

I've been on 2 courses of penicillin (10 days each) where the pus subsided (however, the tonsil on the left in particular was still swollen) and then when I stopped, the pus and swelling started increasing again.

I went to my GP the other day where he prescribed a 3 day course of azithromycin - I'm on day 2 and it hasn't made any change :(((

Just wondering if after you had your antibiotics whether pus still formed or not?

It's pretty hard to not think about this as although the pain is currently not too bad, it's just so bad being constantly down with this and I can't help but feel the worst as if I have a multiresistant drug bacteria (i.e. golden staph or MRSA) and that doom is really impending on me.

06-05-16, 23:08

I'm having tonsil problems too!

I've had mine since Feburary, started out with a sore throat, nothing too drastic I've had tonsillitis many a time and I know what 'really bad' is in terms on tonsil pain! I noticed white pus on one so I went to the doctors and got antibiotics, it didn't clear up and I've been back several times. Unfortunately the doctor is at a loss as to what's causing it, I had bloods done for glandular fever - all clear and 2 x swabs - both clear.

The most annoying thing is it's not unbearable, it's just always mildly sore with pus on one side that gets more prominent or fades from one day to the next. I've seen an ENT (unfortunately my tonsils decided to be almost pus free on this day) who said I had a strip of mucus behind one tonsil but other than that they looked healthy and sent me on my way. My doctor has refereed me back because the my tonsils are not any better.

Some days are worse than others, my right tonsil is always quite sore though especially when I yawn, it's strange.

Anyways don't worry! I would ask to be referred to see an ENT if it doesn't clear up in a couple of weeks

07-05-16, 00:12
Maybe you should have them taken out. It sucks as an adult but if you're getting chronic infections, getting them removed would solve the issue.

Positive thoughts