View Full Version : Feeling like I'm dying

30-04-16, 02:48

Please, bear with me.
I ALWAYS feel like I'm dying.. I mean, we are technically but every little cough, sneeze or pain makes me think that there is always an underlying problem.
My situation isn't unique or special but I really have no one else to talk to about it since I've been dealing with this for so long that no one really understands or takes me seriously (us hypochondriacs/anxiety sufferers are prone to this)

I've self diagnosed myself plenty of times with brain cancer, lymphoma, ovarian and cervical cancer, bone cancer, fear of blood clots and my current enemy right now is Sepsis.
I feel like I'm lost even though I know I'm not.
I'm pretty good at deciphering my good thoughts from my bad thoughts; going from "I'm going to die in seconds" to "I need to stop because I know I wouldn't be questioning myself"

My situation right now has to do with my navel piercing. I've had it for 4 years, granted I've never taken excellent care of it. I don't think it's fully healed, I'll have mild to moderate irritation and maybe even a little infection that would go away in about a week or two. Right now, I've been treating it and it's gotten a lot better, although, I feel like I have sepsis considering this has been going on for four years. People say that it's rare even though on WebMD (our enemy/ally) it says its common EVEN THOUGH only about 200,000 people die from that annually EVEN THOUGH rates are rising EVEN THOUGH it's the 11th or 9th biggest killer. I mean, I'm only 19 and I think I'm relatively healthy and I've read that it targets people with weakened immune systems (so basically.. old people)
Although, that doesn't mean I'm exempt.
Excuse my grammar please :winks:

People say that if I truly did have sepsis, then I wouldn't be questioning it.
I plan on going to the doctor to get some bloodwork and have my piercing looked at but I feel like they're just going to laugh and say "it's nothing to worry about" when that really is the worst possible thing you could tell us without showing me proof.
I'm so bipolar with my emotions. I'll just from "you know what, I'll be okay" to "oh my gosh, I really am dying".
I realize that I'm talking a lot but there's really no one else that could help me.
I really would not like to go to a therapist and them just drug me up and tell me "you'll be okay".
I need to stop googling.. but I feel like I'm just dying. I need answers. My mind won't stop telling me to move my words around on the google search bar so I can get different answers.
Can someone help me or put me at ease for free? :D

30-04-16, 08:04
Anxiety can make you feel really ill in all sorts of ways but if you had sepsis I'm pretty sure you'd know about it.

Please stop googling!