View Full Version : Iron deficiency or something to do with blood sugar?

30-04-16, 05:38
Hi guys,

I apologize as I have been posting a lot about this topic because it is definitely making me super anxious.

Let me begin by saying that sometime last year when I had my routine blood check done it came back saying I'm borderline anemic. My iron was very low so she had me take some iron pills which I stopped taking after about a month. I seemed okay but since last Saturday I've had so many symptoms related to lack of iron such as fatigue, stomach pains, hair shedding...

However, I have recently gotten a new symptom that started last Saturday. It seems like every time I'm hungry I become VERY anxious and shakey. I feel gaggy and then start to feel dizzy and out of it until I drink or eat something. Once I do that it almost instantly goes away. But what worries me is how scary it can feel. My stomach feels a little sore and there's a slight burning sensation. I also seem to be very gassy. As soon as I begin eating because I feel like I'm starving, some of my appetite disappears.

These symptoms are definitely the worst in the morning and has happened every morning since last Saturday. It's also common to happen right before dinner as well. I notice that I seem to be more hungry than usual as well. For example today I had Wendy's at 130. I had a half ceaser salad with a small chilli and some fries. I was hungry again by 5. However, after I have dinner it seems like I can go all night without having to snack or anything but almost seems impassible to go from breakfast to lunch to dinner without getting that scary dizzy sensation.

It feels like my blood sugars are dropping or something. I'm just so unsure what's happening with me. I can't tell if it's just all in my head. :(

Thank toh guys in advance

02-05-16, 02:54
It might just be your mind associating feeling hunger with feeling anxious from your anemia symptoms. You may need to start taking iron again but I would talk to your doctor about it. You can carry around a small snack if it makes you feel better.

02-05-16, 14:36
Hello rsanchez,

Thank you for relying!
I started on iron pills again on Friday. My fatigue is honestly already gone. I can't believe what a change there has been.

I'm still getting these hypo symptoms especially upon waking up. It seems like I can't sleep passed 930 because my symptoms get worse. I hear it takes at least 10-15 minutes for symptoms to go away after drinking/eating but mine seem to go away almost as soon as I eat. Which makes me think it's all in my mind.

02-05-16, 15:21
Hi Jennclark. I get this too. It is horrible. My sister also suffers from it. It is classic hypoglycemia. This morning for example I slept really late, so by the time I got up it was about 14 hours since I'd eaten. I felt absolutey terrible. My legs were weak, I felt shaky, my head felt 'weird'..... like as though I was 'out of it'. Now I've a headache too. I went for a short walk and began to feel really panicky and anxious and quickly walked back home. I had a borroca tablet drink but I couldn't eat. So basically all day, I have felt really ill. I have just eaten two veggie sausages now, the first thing I've eaten all day. I hope they make me feel better. Usually I eat small amounts often. If I'm busy and forget to eat, I know I've gone too long because I will get shaky and weak and headachey and feel spacey. Can you identify with any of these symptoms?

02-05-16, 16:31
Hi Nikita,

My symptoms are 100% identical! It's always worse in the morning. But actually this morning wasn't too bad. I woke up at 9am and was able to stay in bed until closer to 10 even though I as hungry.

I tried to ignore my symptoms and focus on something else which honestly worked well. I didn't feel out of it or dizzy which makes me think it might just be all in my head and anxiety related. I had a quarter of a sandwich and a couple frackers and I was okay. However it's not 1130 and I'm hungry again. This time I was moving around the house and I started to feel a bit dizzy. So of course my anxiety went up. Also, do you have hypo without being diabetic?

How long does it take for you to feel better? It seems like with me if I begin eating I feel better almost instantly.

02-05-16, 16:42
Hi, I have been tested for diabetes and don't have it. I did have pregnancy diabetes though. However, my sister is a midwife (she is the sis who has hypo) and she said that it is very difficult to get a proper diagnosis as if you are hypo, your glucose levels rise and dip all during the day. I did feel better after I ate today. Sometimes I immediately feel better. Other times if I get anxious because of how bad i feel, I get myself into a state where I might get a panic attack. I start thinking that there is something really wrong with me, I might feel weepy also.

02-05-16, 17:14
Do you think I could be all related to anxiety then?

I literally just had a terrible spout. I ate about an hour and a half ago but I started to feel woozy and dizzy. I had to sit down because I was so scared that I was going to faint.

I quickly made something to eat but after about two bites I have no appetite. :(

02-05-16, 17:18
Yes I do think it is all anxiety related. Do you ever suffer with rumbling tummy? Or really bad hunger pains?

02-05-16, 17:25

Especially in the morning

02-05-16, 17:29
Yes me too. Its hard to keep a check on calorie intake too I find. I could be really careful and watching calories, then eat a load of rubbish just to feel better when I get the weak feeling. Its really difficult to control.

02-05-16, 17:34
I agree. I lost a lot of weight earlier in the year but I can already tell that it's all comin back on because I'm trying to not get the hunger feeling because it causes the symptoms to heighten.

The last time I got a blood test it showed I was low in iron. I'm sure she checked for diabetes too and everything came out clear. I stopped taking iron pills last year and started up again because I thought it could be related to that. I don't know anymore :( the pills has helped with the fatigue but these symptoms are still occurring!! I'm absolutely terrified because I start a new job next week and I'm so worried that I won't be able to eat inbetween meals because they won't let me or something.

02-05-16, 17:39
Yes I am low in iron too and know that I really need to go back for iron jabs. I hate them! I am very lucky in that I can eat whenever I want. My sister who is the midwife has huge problems with that. She has to keep a protein bar in her uniform all the time in case she gets hungry/weak. Just keep one in your pocket or bag and eat it in the loo if you have to. Being anxious re new job isn't helping you. i always feel so much worse when I am anxious. I get like that butterflies in my tummy feeling, so I dont want to eat, then of course the whole cycle starts.

03-05-16, 14:21
The iron pills are the worst! I've been on them since Friday. I'm hoping it can help me but so far it has only helped with the fatigue.

Today I go for my orientation. I'm actually going to tell them I'm hypoglycaemic even though it isn't 100%. But I rather them know that I must eat every couple hours. Thanks so much for your help Nikita xx

22-09-16, 16:51
Hey guys how are you now? You all better? I'm pretty much on the same boat as you two lol except I get extremely tired after eating too.. I've had my blood sugar checked and it's all grand so I'm not hypoglycaemic :(

Think I've had my Iron levels checked, may get Iron pills anyway to see if it makes a difference.