View Full Version : Frequent urination/ bladder doesn't feel empty

30-04-16, 08:10
Hi all

Haven't posted for a while, been doing quite well.

On weds just gone I noticed I needed to wee more and that my bladder never felt completely empty. I went to the Drs the next day and saw the nurse who did a urine test which came back clear. It doesn't sting or anything. She said to drink lots and come back if it worsened. It's been 3 full days now and it's not worse but not better either, it's driving me mad though, if I have a drink I will spend the next few hours on the loo every 45 mins or so. Has anyone had a uti before but without the pain or one that hasn't showed up on a urine test?


30-04-16, 12:00

I had something similar to this a while back and everyone now and then it comes back! Like you I saw the Dr and the urine test came back clear and I had no stinging. Sometimes when you are anxious it can affect your bladder I think.

Some days I am literally back and forth to the toilet every 20 minutes! The more I think about it, the worse it is.

Also, I was told by a Dr that some UTIs don't show up on a test and apparently you can get ones without pain too.

Hope that helps xx

02-05-16, 14:55
Thanks for your reply.

I still have it and haven't been able to get back to the Drs due to the bank holiday. I've been doing so well over the past few months but somehow I've managed to convince myself that I have a growth or something pressing on my bladder or that this is just something really serious, honestly I'm a bit too scared to go back to the Drs ��x

02-05-16, 15:13
Hi Mogwog. I suffered with this over the last number of years. Actually, I always had a weak bladder. A few years ago I had it very bad. Like you, my urine came back clear in the doctors. I wasn't stinging either. I was running to the loo almost every 10 minutes for little amounts. I felt like I was constantly bursting. I was going crazy. I actually felt suicidal. I was drinking cranberry and lots of water, gave up alcohol and caffeine. Anything with MSG stuff in it was cut out of my diet. I had a camera up inside the bladder which showed nothing wrong. I was put on slow release tablets and eventually it went away. I was diagnosed as having an overactive bladder. My sisters/mum/and grandmother all suffer from it. The cystopurin sachets are good if I feel I may be getting an attack. Live yoghurt up inside helps, something to do with bacteria. I also found that xanax helped, which made me think that it is an anxiety thing. I hope it clears up for you soon.

08-06-16, 19:51
Ive just posted about this in a new thread, thank God its not just me. Unfortunately I cant offer advice as its advice Im seeking. Thankyou Nikita.

08-06-16, 20:32
Yes, I went through this and sometimes still do. Back in 2013 I thought I was getting a UTI, felt exactly like you. Just felt like my bladder wasn't completely emptying. I saw my doctor, tests were clear. She put me on antibiotics anyway, didn't do anything. The symptoms would come and go, wasn't constant. It raised my anxiety really badly because I was googling all sorts of things and ended up totally scaring myself. Before this my anxiety wasn't too bad. Anyway, after several months of this, it eventually started to fade and I noticed the less I worried about it, the more it would stop. Now it pops up here and there, when I'm anxious and worried/stressed.