View Full Version : Contraceptive pill query

30-04-16, 14:29
Hello, I've been off for a few days doing a lot better but anyway after seeing one of those scare Facebook posts I find self here.

I've been in the pill microgynon 30 for 5 years, had a Check up last year. All good. However this post mentioned Rigevidon has killed a few people and is dangerous - my doc has given me these before as replacement saying they are exactly the same as mine. I'm not one to believe posts usually but now I'm in a issue because I'm due to take pill after break tomorrow and it's a strip of the Rigevidon.

Just want to clarify the risks?

30-04-16, 17:51
I think with all medications there are risks. It's always irritating when people start spreading horror stories about a particular drug, though, when it's totally uncontrolled and it could be any other thing in their life causing that side effect or any odd combination.

I take contraceptives; the generic ortho tri cyclen (sp). I had to go on them for Accutane (talk about horror stories, the internet stories out there restarted my HA but ultimately I had NO side effects) and my doctor warned me that since I have had a migraine with aura (only two times in 15 years) I could be at a greater risk of stroke so I had to monitor my headaches carefully. Any more auras and I have to come off.

I'm done with the accutane and could have come off the BC by now but honestly they help my cramps so much I'd like to stay on.

Is there any way you could phone your doctor or talk to a pharmacist about your specific concerns? Surely they've heard the rumors and can put your mind at ease.

03-05-16, 19:11
And now the same woman has posted microgynon is bad for you. I don't know what to do because I've been on this for years and now these articles worry me. I have a check up in a few weeks anyway. Ugh. I'm not sure if I want to change, but the article scares me into thinking I should.

04-05-16, 00:10
Anyone have any advice here? I get annoyed with scare posts but when it's something you take its a concern! It's like those bacon/red wine/beef/cheese/cream cakes/wearing odd socks causes cancer daily mail things.

I have done some research. One article claims mine is the safest, another says a teen died from it. This frigging post is circulating and I can't escape it so anxious old me thinks its a sign. Worrying of PE and aneurysms.

04-05-16, 00:55
Please, talk to a pharmacist or your doctor. Only they can really ease your mind.

Every medicine has side effects and you will find horror stories for just about everything out there. Doesn't mean it will happen to you.

04-05-16, 00:57
I've always said this. I had this worry few months back but calmed self by reading the risks part of the leaflet it comes with. I have a pill check up in a few weels anyway.

Have you ever changed pill? Sorry can't remember what you'd written xx

04-05-16, 12:50
Yes. I actually used to take Yaz for acne. I didn't really help but did make my migraines worse and after I quit there were sooo many commercials regarding how dangerous that particular pill was.

Now I'm on the generic ortho tri cyclen and since I've had *two* migraines with aura in the past there is a bit of a risk for me taking them....however I had to while I was on accutane and have since remained on them because they make my cramps better....the benefits outweigh any risks for me but I do keep an eye out.

06-05-16, 13:06
I was on microgynon and developed dvt from it. I was lucky in that it was spotted and I was treated but I was on warfarin for six months.